
lol you’re a real goofball man

The only reason you guys are for incarcerated peoples voting rights is because you think it will help you win elections.

I think its fairly simple, he’s a young Joe Biden, but since he was born 40 years later he is 40 years more progressive, and he’s gay so that should placate those darn liberals concerned with how white males run everything.

lol I can’t let it go either, but agree with 99% of everything else poodle says

You get that they worked for the money they used to purchase the property (loose term, not necessarily physical property) in the first place, right?

lol, right? It’s so hard to imagine what the “republican AOC” is. Really makes you realize what bags of shit the republican party are, I can’t think of anybody of substance. Their bravest hero was named Flake and he threatened to do something once he decided to quit, but didn’t, and that was his big contribution to

The reason the whole anti-vax thing has traction is because large healthcare companies are evil, so when you say they are killing us with vaccines for profit, it checks out.

Yeah and you and I are both wearing clothes made by modern slaves, what else is new. Just stop thinking about stuff you’ll feel better

there, there

winning like charlie sheen 

Winning on the internet, lol.

Lol yeah I’m totally voting for her but at the same time am quite pissed as I’ve been paying for 9 years and will be done by 2021.

Uh, no, he has no case because congress has the power to investigate this.

I don’t believe Callahan’s ideas about vaccines are true or accurate, but she has a right to promote them; nobody has a right to use her name to attempt to produce a fake news story, no matter how well-intention-ed their purpose might be. 

Yeah that Martin Luther King Jr. guy grandstanded a lot too. Its like, what you want to be treated equal? Not likely to happen. Therefore, whatever you do is grandstanding.


Yeah, except not even one person told her. This was founded on nothing, and the true beauty of the animal farm we live in is that now she can say “yeah, that wasn’t totally accurate, but you know what? Countless FBI agents agree with me”

The most interesting thing about people like you online is that I can’t tell if you are smart and mean or just really dumb. I know a smart mean person made these arguments, I just don’t know if you are them or just one of the dumb people they get to disseminate them. I’m guessing you’re one of the smart ones because

getting a fucking wiretap warrant on a political opponent is outrageous in the extreme

There’s certainly room to make an argument for both