howbout you email your church and tell them to stay out the fuck your life. reply all
howbout you email your church and tell them to stay out the fuck your life. reply all
OK, we’re sorry you’ve got big balls to push around 16 year old pregnant girls but can’t stand up like a man to “liberal snowflakes.” Guess the snowflakes are pretty tough, can’t have it both ways, dipshit (i’m addressing you, not him, you’re a dipshit.)
The original story is that these kids approached and harassed the drummer.
False accusations were published about him. He was targeted and bullied by the Post.
Hopefully there is a great deal of substance to this whole affair
I learned it from watching “the leader of the free world,” as we like to call them.
When you realize teachers are just people and then you take a look at all the people you’ve even encountered, it suddenly dawns on you that a tremendous amount of people entrusted with fostering the development of our youth are total asshats.
Right but people were all assuming white because the story incorrectly reported he was taken alive. So the conclusion is still correct, he’s just black and dead.
So in this story the way you abandoned your lovechild is like how Biden has abandoned the DNC, right?
these people also think taylor swift is a genius
Never thought telling the truth could get me such perks!
Her saying Jews have hypnotized the world is in reference to the fact that Zionists are actively seeking to commit genocide in Israel and Palestine. Unfortunately, Jews are going to be conflated with Zionists more and more until they take a stand and admit that Israel acts immorally with perceived impunity due to the…
Maybe you’re right, but I’d actually issue a different warning to Zionists who are going to become increasingly conflated with Jews as a whole as the population ages and forgets WW2 and whose only reference is modern-day Israel, which is a criminal genocidal state, made in America’s image of course, but we are much…
Right but she didn’t say anything antisemitic. Caving to that bullshit is what empowers the divide and conquer rule of this country, where people do ridiculous shit and then we come together and “heal” and “unity” and nothing changes.
She could have made the correct point, which requires a certain thoroughness, but she made a lazy mistake and people pounced on it (because of course they did).
You try being an ambitious black woman in an elected position and being soft of black drug users. It wasn’t even a choice to be made, keep your job
Which politician at a national level DO you trust? Serious question. Like, none of them won’t do fucked up shit. Obama was clean as fuck and he still killed peasants in desert countries with drones and tried to try Edward Snowden for treason for exposing the US govt for spying on us.
There are no competent politicians with a clean slate. Its time for a black woman, she is smart and cutthroat enough to get the job done.
But notwithstanding, if that were the scenario, how does the cyber change the equation, without regard and while accepted the “libs” and the “parkland” establishment, moreover, while taking into account TRumps many successful business ventures benefiting the blackest city on earth, a brand of neo-platanism that I…
You’re surprised a republican celebrity wife is cool with a rich white evangelical taking her daughter? This was like her dream scenario