
No the head of the HOA will be real-life Ben Carson, who will be played by the gov of VA in blackface

This is a terrible blog post. Just encouraging people not to exercise because companies make money getting people to buy exercise stuff. I look forward to your post convincing us to not eat healthy because of the shady organic labeling of vegetables business.

LOL yeah? Maduro is the worst dictator in the world right now? We gotta get that guy before North Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc etc etc? How bout Africa. Lotta crazy shit going on there. Maybe we should intervene, what do you say?

Enough scandal wins the senate and presidency 2020, we redistrict, pass voter protection laws, its all over. You just have to watch out for people like schumer, pelosi, biden. We get enough human beings in there 2020, its all over and we take back the democracy. We don’t its all over the other way and I suggest you

Well nobody knew yet, back then. Its been 30 years of trickle down and the results are pretty obvious, our only obstacle now is old white people with fat bank accounts who are scared of losing what they’ve “earned.” And they are droppin like flies

So you are impressed by the fact that a politician took both sides of an important divisive issue?

republican party will never hold another majority past 2020

Glad these things are equal. Perceived slight of a political enemy and the future of the world that will decide the fate of billions of poverty-stricken people.

I can see why you’re not in charge. I heard the guy who fixes your car once drove around with old oil when he was 17. You should do it yourself

lol next we will go after all politicians who ever called a waitress “honey”

Smart at isn’t right either. It’s not that you’re wrong about dumb at, you’re wrong thinking smart at is grammatically correct. That being said, language evolves. Read some grammatically correct English from the 1500s, weird shit back then.

I guess you were wrong about QBs not getting CTE after all

Nightcrawler was good, and if you think The Day After Tomorrow was better, I’d like to recommend you some movies where Adam Sandler plays a serious role.

John Gruden won the superbowl. McVay has to last a while before he is an “offensive genius.” Football is an extremely luck-dependent sport

Thats the joke, boss. Or if it wasn’t, it sure is

lol, you are such a weener

Didn’t Chris Walken murder that lady?

I realise it won’t win you many friends...

We are all sorry you failed math class and blamed the teacher.

the brain trauma argument [doesn’t] apply to quarterbacks