
Did you know Obama is actually an NRA plant crisis actor to show us the dangers of if we were to elect someone like Obama’s (Carl is his real name)‘s character to the presidency? Its on youtube

Obama is a crab person

Yeah and we gotta get Clinton too for the pizza sex ring

Yeah, that’s not an accurate description. You could definitely find fault with it on other levels, like basically the joke works because we are all familiar with a black guy saying nigga in a positive, surprised, flippant manner, and CK was appropriating that in his joke.

why are you entertaining the possibility that he is not an asshole? He already admitted he was from Florida

Actually, you are the garbage person, by definition, as you live in Flarida, the garbage state

The two parties, D and R, serve the same purpose. Citizens pick a side and argue and blame the other side, meanwhile the rich people continue stealing everything. Remember, it was Bill Clinton who repealed Glass-Steagall.

For every 1,250 Black people in Florida between 1882 to 1930, one was lynched. This is seven times higher than the rate for North Carolina and almost twice the rate that was in Georgia.

For every 1,250 Black people in Florida between 1882 to 1930, one was lynched. This is seven times higher than the rate for North Carolina and almost twice the rate that was in Georgia.

For every 1,250 Black people in Florida between 1882 to 1930, one was lynched. This is seven times higher than the rate for North Carolina and almost twice the rate that was in Georgia.

“Florida has long been thought to be less violent than other Southern states, where the number of lynchings was believed to be as much as twice as large,” a 1993 article by theOrlando Sentinel explains. “Now, a sweeping new study of lynching in the South has found that blacks were more likely to be lynched in

God I wish I didn’t remember reading your retarded comments. That would be great.

Acting like children would be more like if they refused to hold a hearing for supreme court justice for 18 months because they don’t feel like it.

not one with gambling debts enough to use the supreme court for a side business of making sure the president doesn’t go to jail and allowing gerrymandering forever to create a defacto permanent ruling class

Its not about abortion. Abortion is what they get us to fight about. It has and always will be about money


Yeah, I don’t have a similar situation to you. I have no real past traumas, but in general this administration makes me have panic attacks when I realize how many people around me are totally insane and frankly inhuman. Kids being separated at the border is just the easy example, these people want to turn America into

Vonnegut held that really any kind of criticism of art, whether it be culinary or comedic, is like putting on a suit of armor to attack a hot fudge sundae.

“While true that our beers do not have targets as a label so Jim and his compatriots (generally understood to be made up of people unwilling to admit they really just want vodka mixed with carbonated sugar water because beer has been branded as both casual and manly) can use them for target practice, we are going to

Lol, you could run for an hour. Just admit you lazy, brah