
Does talking about penises make you uncomfortable, guy who has a thing for big, powerful cars?

Dude, you are a fucking loser. Can’t you change? People might like you some day if you start to change now.

Poor posture during walk to sideline after blowing game

As soon as Matthews hit him, he should have let go and totally rotated his body right shoulder out left away from Cousins, leading him to land butt down fully body weight on Cousins’ knee. You know, to avoid hurting him by “driving him into the ground”

Listen, your high road is good, but I’m here to say that palin is not really hot. She is kind of like dannika patrick, where she just happens to be a conservative woman who isn’t ugly and has a makeup artist.

Speak for yourself... that is not a particularly high bar. You do know the difference between “attractive” and “a 55 year old 6 (age-graded, non age-graded 4) wearing TV makeup,” right?

Except cam newton. New rule encourages wrestling moves on cam.

I was a drunk typing typo Jesus

I Kant imagine what kind of Hume ongous arsehole would Russel my feathers by shamefully namedropping a philosopher just for the sake of Witt.

By equating the restaurant’s position to that of an insurance company, you have totally handcuffed my ability to be impartial in this debate.

also see the 1908 Scouting for Boys

He’s like the badass to Russel Wilson’s polite jock in a 90s sitcom where being badass means you wear denim and smoked a cigarette that time

I mean, if your point is that “just so you guys know, I am a company man,” maybe yes, shut up and dribble. But some company men like to go above and beyond. Get 4-5 million extra dollars keeping that yogurt gig. 

He was never that good. He is a slightly worse Joe Flacco with a famous dad.

lol while I agree that looting is bad, your “bet” that these things will be “sold on the streets” is a little weird.

No doubt, I’m just saying its not like they had aaron rodgers at 25 in 2008. Eli has always been average, occasionally capable of slightly less than the current ryan fitzpatrick surges of brilliance. They should have traded him after 2007, would have made out like bandits

The title odds in 2008 weren’t even very good. It is the skeleton of a team that grossly overachieved. 

Its kind of like when kids in high school don’t do homework because they are going to become a professional rapper/baseball player/racecar driver/daytrader

Given the premise that you are at Burger King in the first place, I imagine there are MANY things worth fighting/getting arrested over at Burger King

More asinine than debating what selfie “looks” are ok or not on the internet with strangers during the work day?