
Federal bailouts are a tool of last resort when someone like Jamie Dimon fucks up incredibly. You sorta missed the point.

So instead of a guy who overborrows and uses bankruptcy as a tool, you want a guy who overlends and uses federal bailouts as a tool.

Let’s all make an uninformed opinion on an event we have zero knowledge of and assume...

Maybe you’re one of the fantastic morons I work with!

Who cares about the letter, the guy refused to shake the hand of a US citizen because his daughter was killed by gun violence. What a coward.

Ya there’s a reason you got fat baseball players. Ain’t a whole lot of moving involved, when it comes right down to it.

I believe the difference is that one of these things was done for tax liability reasons.

lol don’t worry, most of us have far less. I assume roughly a third of us have a negative net worth. I think i’m creeping up on zero as I approach 30

How much bullshit gets spoonfed down your throat in a typical day of TV and internet?

The economic ignorance of the general populace is appalling.

That’s good satire

lol this guy is super mad. You sorta missed the joke, boss

Calm down. Kinja is well known for its audience of reactionary pricks

When i was living in china, i had numerous people tell me that eating dogs was illegal.

Lol so passive aggressive. Listen, don’t read this reply. I don’t want you to! (haughtily)

You’d have to be a nut to not want nuts in cookies. Self preservationism by the crazies. Typical 

At the end of the day, nothing is anyone’s fault.

Can you post this again? Everybody thinks its really good and posting it one more time would make you so cool and heard

What’s 60% of zero?

Men are so sexist!