
No stars for this on Jez. Black men got it easy I guess

lol, no stars for this. Its only famous black men, apparently

Its not odd, which texts he picked, its just Jez

She made fun of an autistic kid... I don’t care who his parents are, that’s wrong. You ever work in schools with developmentally disabled kids? The shit they have to put up with. I get that he doesn’t go to normal school, but still, autistic kids as a population maybe should be off limits. This site is so against

She made fun of an autistic kid, though. That’s kinda fucked up

Have you ever considered he has a chip on his shoulder against rich white girls moving to NYC to become comedians as a black kid growing up in the projects? I’m not saying this makes it OK, but I can’t imagine what it is like to be black and poor. Whole world is out to get you. I can see feeling animosity for the

In summation: It’s basically worse that you’re not even a fan because that means you’re just mean for the hell of it.

Before each SNL Weekend Update you know every joke he’s going to tell. As he starts them, you can finish them.

Listen, Jez says to not like Che. Which means he is the patriarchy. There is nobody more privileged in this world than a black kid from the projects. 

No real point to this story, other than he sucked then and I guess he still sucks now.

It is just sad that because some girls in high school were cruel in that way adolescents can be to twerps that this guy is going to go through his whole life fearing all women.

So this guy made two email accounts to do this? Question for guy - Once you make one burner email account, why not just use that one for both cunt driveby emails?

I have a plan to raise his approval rating by 15% in a day: Tweet the N word and then say that it was in reference to a quote by someone else

“its done, but its frowned upon.”

Lol, my bad Donald. I forgot that hard, simple, one sentence opinions are stronger than lengthy, evidenced opinions.

Are you Chinese? What is the source of your knowledge?

Relative to Americans, Chinese people by and large DO eat dog. They even have a dog meat festival.

So French isn’t a race but Chinese is a race?

Well, they were misinformed or lying.

Sure they could: