How about driving a car? Or perhaps the biggest responsibility I can think of, having children?
How about driving a car? Or perhaps the biggest responsibility I can think of, having children?
Yes, it is rude to reveal someone’s age without consent!
institutional racism is a greater problem than individual racism. you can’t move away from not being able to get a mortgage. you can’t move away from not being able to get a 2nd job interview
Semi-related question - how often do you take a break from posting weird talking points to hostile audiences in order to watch internet porn? Is it a scheduled maintenance kind of thing, or just compulsive?
Basically, I’m saying your first post was very ironic and poorly thought out and or worded. I agree or tolerate your parenting tactic of teaching your child to pick his/her battles.
I get what you are saying. I’m not telling my bosses to fuck off either. Although they aren’t retarded so I don’t have to, but I wouldn’t given that premise.
I’m not leaving a decent paying job because a coworker loves Trump and sports a MAGA hat. That’s insane. I try to reduce my interaction with them and leave politics out of it. That’s the lesson I’m teaching my kid.
You can’t expect person born without a foot to run as fast as Usain Bolt and you can’t expect people without fully-functioning brains to understand why they’re racist, even if they don’t consciously think they are.
‘they won’t change their ways so I’ll go full-on scorched earth right back at them’, you’re not really making things better, are you?
Apparently you missed the point. You seem to think that being in the middle is different than being on the left or on the right. It is also a choice. And if you say:
And those who voted for him should be ashamed, if they aren’t already. But I’d rather not let the rhetoric get too far out of control.
When millions of dumb people get together and elect a politician who has no business running a country of millions more people, them “just being dumb” as opposed to mean doesn’t really matter, does it? People are dying. Young children still haven’t been reunited with their families.
I refuse to teach my kid that attitude of if you aren’t with me you’re against me.
lol but if you’re tolerance of intolerance you’re party to intolerance. You get that, right?
If you steal a 200,000 dollar car you go to prison for a decade, if you steal several billion dollars you pay a fine that amounts to a fraction of what you stole. That is not a reasonable system of law and order, nor a reasonable financial climate for all citizens. America is a joke.
They actually prosecuted one bank - Abascus I believe it was called. It was a lender who dealt primarily with Chinese clients buying real estate in NYC and they had one of the lowest default rates of any medium sized bank.
Perhaps female officers should be given steroids and other enhancements such as a robot hand with super strength. Harambee was also at a huge strength advantage, which is ultimately why they were acquitted, and while the zoo is private land, how does this case shed light upon public/private property and our…
I think you just made my point for me —
You should start your own blog i bet a bunch of people will want to read your 120 character regurgitation of NRA and Hannity talking points
Does anyone think McCain’s daughter realizes now that she fucked up on a deeply spiritual level by her recent political capitulations, or is she perhaps instead at the family accountant’s office filled with anticipation?