Based on you weird, aggressive leaps in conversation, I get the impression that you aren’t going to be worth talking to. Better luck next time!
Based on you weird, aggressive leaps in conversation, I get the impression that you aren’t going to be worth talking to. Better luck next time!
Ha, they might very well have been, had not Trump come along and exposed this sham for what it is. Time is up on this system, we will probably still be two parties in 10 years but the Republican party will be absorbed by the Dems against the progressives or whatever reasonable people with an education are going to…
People like confidence. Fake it, it becomes self perpetuating. Just make sure not to be confident about things that matter, like don’t say you’re a doctor or make more money than you do, just convince yourself that you are awesome and people will start to believe you. Its weird how often it works.
He is white male who wants status quo to continue. Its not that he’s popular on the left, he’s just popular with the garbage people who inhabit my country who’s parents told them to be Democrats and so they did.
So while better economic policies would, yes, make everyone do better it wouldn’t close the gap caused by racism and other forms of discrimination.
I’m pretty sure you’re dense if you can’t understand that economic equality would be a “magic bullet” that would fix a lot of things, including a lot of racism. But a lot of brown people are the product of economically stressed parents in economically poor school districts and economically oppressed communities and as…
Right? This! Corporations make employees and customers pay for shrinkage - in shitty wages, slashed benefits, and raised prices. Who’s going to bear the brunt of all that?
I agree. Cohen sounds a lot like Clinton. Coincidence?
Basically what I’m saying is that a high percentage of people either turning 18 or voting for the first time because of how obviously fucked the government is right now are going to vote Democrat, while the old, scared, retarded people are continuing to die at a predictable rate.
Because teachers are supposed to be role models.
looks like a third base face to me
The article is enough to make one curious. But does the lack of replies tell something about the popularity?
How do you explain yours?
FDR’s Congress was 70% Dem, when we get to that we can talk more about the Bernie fever dreams...
So your point is that she was progressive enough because some people hate her irrationally. Good point.
Hillary Clinton ran on the most progressive agenda in the history of the USA...
Change her race, and there won’t be much of a difference. Change her gender and the while story is massively different. This is so fucking obvious.
Who cares if she is doing it naked for money? Kids don’t need to be taught morality, they need to learn math. This is why the USA is increasingly non-competitive worldwide for skilled remote work. No boss cares what you do in your free time, they care if you can program the fucking website.
“How’re things over at penetrode?”