
thank you

Definitely. You seem like a true etymologist and not someone who just says the first thing that pops into their head.

is is the electricity use that is wasteful, or the fact that despite knowing about global warming for 50 years your government has done next to nothing to switch over to renewable energy infrastructure?

this article is pointing out a very disturbing fact- that this dumb fad of bit coin, is causing global warming to accelerate, for absolutely no good reason.

And still, how is bitcoin mining different than an individual printing money? I legitimately don’t get the difference.

You just don’t go to fancy enough restaurants. Cold pasta is IN

It is hilarious that you “Capitalists” call out this “Socialist” for not understanding how things work, when really the reason he gets paid is because every article he writes enrages a couple hundred of you “Capitalists” who totally get how capitalism works and call for him to be fired. 

Its like psychology. Can be useful, not accurate

Not as long as he brings out the army of angry commenters, they won’t. That’s the hard part - if you want him gone you have to stop paying attention to him.

Maybe just stop driving cars really fast around a circle for no reason

The Bible! Great way to make important decisions.

once you get just trashy enough its hip


who led the league with 14 hit batters last season, and who has already hit 11 batters this season

I was going to star this, but then I remembered when I star things the browser reads “you like this”

Sounds like you’re napoleon and you don’t like confronting that painful time in your life

This strikes me as the kind of comment that can only come from a troll

yeah i’m just saying, that whole situation, along with drones, snowden, etc. would make me say I dissaprove of obama. However, I would still vote for him again. I don’t think there are similar people in the trump camp. I think they think he is the messiah, or at least a reflection of themselves if they had a chance at

1. Despite all the horrible shit Trump has done, he still has a roughly 42% approval rating. It’s slightly worse than Obama at the same time (around 45%).

What if the guy she was dating was a millionaire and the alternative was to work a series of shit jobs where you are sexually harassed and discriminated against for the next 40 years?