
When I was 17 a bunch of adults told me to sign papers that would ensure I was economically indentured for the next 10 plus years. No, I did not need to have sex with anyone older than me, but given the choice between that and what this girl is getting in to... I’ll take the money every time. 

I’m not going to address your question, but instead your name. We hate the entire south because the entire south is 60-40 lazy dumb assholes to normal people while the rest of the country is closer to 50-50

thats the beauty of it. it means “I like doing things I like and I don’t like doing things I don’t like.”

Yes, although you spelled Quebekistan wrong. Derived from the ancient leader Quebek Munchhill, who was tan, hence Quebek is tan. Little etymology less for you

That’s incredibly naive thinking. The US and the Soviet Union almost went to war several times during the Cold War.

The reasons why large militaries are not a priority is because of a) nuclear weapons and b) we protect everyone for free. Canada’s national defense plan is literally “call America.”

after the first few times the garlic bread came back for being undercooked, he didn’t start cooking the garlic bread for longer.

No, not really. Once capitalism became the driving political force in the world and nuclear weapons became largely available, large militaries among developed nations are no longer a relevant priority. Basically, we can make a lot of money selling weapons to 3rd world countries to fight other 3rd world countries. It

This one time on a busy restaurant holiday there was a semi-new kid in the kitchen on garlic bread and other easy stuff, and the garlic bread kept coming out cold and undertoasted and getting sent back.

Also steak sauces are for cheap ass pre-packaged grocery steaks you throw on the grill,

lol, yeah I’m the accountant and controller... and unrelated, have the biggest house of anyone who works here. paid cash. inheritance... 

That’s how it works for some people, Stephen. Remember how we talked about how your experiences aren’t the same as everyone else’s? Remember how we did the exercise where you pretended to be another person and feel how they feel?

lol yeah when the economy crashes again because we are repeating and increasing the volume on all the mistakes made leading up to 2008

Haha, gotcha. Working up to sympathy for pathogens. They are just trying to procreate, after all

You can feel bad for anybody if you go back far enough and pinpoint where it all went wrong. Meanwhile people are starving to death all over the world and there are 30-50 million modern slaves. Save your feel bads for them and the animals people injure to get opiods from the veterinarian.


Can somebody with a platform tell somebody with some political momentum that 2020's “yes we can” should be “we want a new deal”

Every word isn’t really what that word is, according to someone else.

So far, looks like less than 60 nazis vs a couple thousand Americans.

Shoulda kept Minnesota