
I truly believe that Trump has had people killed on orders of Russian bratvas. Putin knows this and is holding it over Trump cause his Russian leash holders would never face jail time for contract killings, but Trump sure as hell would

I mean, it isn’t really a lie. Straws are bad. They aren’t as bad as other things, but you can say that about anything. There’s always a worse thing. If we can stop using straws, sure, that might not be as good as if we stopped buying things with packaging, or all carried around our own cups or forks or something, or

Counterpoint: Handicapped spots are bullshit. This guy was a warrior against the bullshit. All these “handicapped” people are just lazy and don’t want to work. If they acted as decent citizens, they would get a job and park where the spaces are left like everyone else

I also use the excuse and increasing likelihood of potential man-made apocalypse to avoid fixing up the house. Start buying up those iodine pills and forget about re-shingling that roof. Asphalt won’t block the fallout

You keep saying 100-120 isn’t upper class, and then citing articles, and you never read them, because if you did read them you would realize they are providing statistics for the “average” household, which is a 3 person household. You have the expenses of 1 person, 100k might not be upper class if you had to pay for

HEADLINE: A few years in NYC with your parent’s credit card and checkbook.

HEADLINE: A few years in NYC with your parent’s credit card and checkbook.

First paragraph: vague outrage about me pointing out straw-man racism

Much easier to just be like “You’re a dumb asshole, all the Democrats are dumb assholes, the Republicans are dumb assholes, only me and the people who feel the exact same way that I do aren’t dumb assholes, so suck it, you dumb assholes”. Being petulant is always easier than being thoughtful.

You spent like 3 hours yesterday demanding that businesses open their bathrooms to everyone because it wouldn’t be that hard to do so. Now you’re mad that Obama doesn’t denounce Trump more publicly?

I don’t think Obama owes me that much, except for the money he (and others) gave to the bankers so they could keep the houses they foreclosed on and get paid for them too.

You know how when you’re 67 and you have sex and you don’t realize that that was just the last time you will ever have sex? Its like that with the 2016 election and your vote being counted. 

What about me? I agree that it was good she spoke up. I also agree that she could have done it better, specifically because twitter is for non-thinking people, like the president. I also agree that speaking up was probably a bad career move (which is why problem exists). HOLY SHIT AM I SUGGESTING THE WORD CONTAINS

And to carry that into our interaction - unless you are just like me, why should I give a shit what you think?

Listen, men’s brains are smaller than women’s. You can try to talk your way out of this, but you already admitted you love Miguel De Cervesa. Probably Tecate too. Grow up.

Due to the way Cervantes treats women in his literature, you have no credibility defending feminism. Please fuck off forever, which is my default response to adversity. 

Didn’t take long to find the worst take ever.

Listen, all I’m saying is that you are literally that guy who kept those women in the bunker all those years. That is what your words directly mean. DON’T TELL ME HOW TO BE A WOMAN

What is sports? Can you explain some for me? Where do I buy one?

lol people are so mad at your advice. I agree, it was not a good career move. It was an admirable move, though, aside from the fact that it was on twitter and everyone who tweets can fuck off forever.