
My review of this comment:

Don’t let Trump find out. You’ll hear tomorrow that Trump has declared Spain is stealing our milk from mothers breasts and we will no longer recognize them as a sovereign nation

And just dumb. Like, really anybody from day 1 who liked trump who changed their mind has only done so due to social pressure because they have no real convictions except that life is so so unfair to them.

No. Although would a law that said if the heat was really dangerous on particular days, food service establishments would have to serve, for free, water in a disposable cup to anyone who requested really be that bad?

I was reacting to this story, in which a person who needed to just use the bathroom was denied access to multiple bathrooms

I agree that for healthy adults, they should be able to manage their bathroom needs. However, there is no way the government can legally REQUIRE that they do so,

I’m not sure you get my point. The point is if it is such a hassle, so inconvenient, and costs so much money for a business to let non-paying customers use their bathrooms, it wouldn’t be so common.

it’s not that big a fucking deal.

Do you think ALL regulations that tell businesses what they can do with their property are unfair?

In any event, having a bathroom customers can use is not driving the business.

I’m not obsessed at all with homeless people. I think all the people who jumped in this thread and said “But I don’t want to have to share a bathroom with a homeless person” are obsessed with homeless people. I’m just responding to them.

you can walk into almost any Wawa or McDonalds and use their bathrooms and no one will bother you or care whether you buy anything, because it’s NOT THAT BIG A DEAL.

You don’t have to be homeless, by the way, to try to use a bathroom and cause a problem. Like the article we are commenting on. Not a homeless person, for the record. 

What is your obsession with homeless people? I don’t care, either way, about whether the bathrooms are for homeless people. My position is that it is unfair to tell someone what to do with their own property that they pay to maintain. Its super simple. 

Stores and restaurants where anyone in the general public can come in and that offer bathrooms for convenience.

Also, the YMCA has free childcare to all paying customers. So should everyone be able to bring in their children for the free child care? Why should they have to pay the 25 dollars to use the gym or pool when the service is free?!

“Very selective” in this case meaning not letting people in who clearly aren’t there to buy the house. Like a drunk person, for example. Sort of like the article we are commenting on. If you want to argue that there is a defined limit to “very selective” and that I should have instead said “selective,” that seems like

Listen, we all get that you super love homeless people and are the most progressive person on the internet, but there is also a whole class of people who have to clean up said bathrooms, and you have to pay that person money, money that you get when customers purchase things at your business. It is really that fucking

It is open to all paying customers. You can pay for a day pass, or be a monthly member. Its sort of like the use of the facilities are part of a service being provided, you know, like why you are wrong

But if you have a bathroom that is open to the customers, it is a public bathroom and should be a truly public bathroom.