
Firstly, i’d settle for taking away your voting block’s welfare (trump voters are heavy on the welfare roles) and disenfranchising you.

“if genocide is good for the economy, well, then I’m for it!”

when pujols hit 49 home runs he struck out 50 times, when he hit 47 he struck out 64 (2009), bonds hit 49 with 77 and 73 with 93 (2001) (this is pulled from players who hit more than 47 home runs between 2000-2010)

+1 “that poor hillbilly got ethered”

Nice article.

3 proposed changes:

No shit. Everyone believes it was him. If you want to shock me with a story, find someone who:

Basically, as wealth inequality gets worse, they need to come up with more extreme ways of dividing us so that we don’t start recognizing the only true paradigm that matters - rich and poor.

Yeah its another layer. But what OP doesn’t understand is that antisemitism is just a tool like racism or any other fucked up ism or anity (christianity) to divide the poor people so they fight amongst themselves.

Hey just so you know “dumb” is offensive to me as a person who cannot speak. I know you’ve used that word before, and don’t try to go with the

Black voter turnout was sharply lower in 2016

I don’t believe that is how they sold it. They said that the American people should have a say in who is judge, and since Obama was on his way out, (lol two years) they needed to wait.

Lol classic!

I’ve heard it is an easier job for them if they don’t speak English.

lol this guy.

so is it more important that NYS maintains its substantial investment in income producing vending machines and other IT-enabled revenue and safety properties or that Miguel is deported?

It would be a better way to address the problem, but that would require a face-to-face (potential) confrontation.

Without a salary cap how do you ensure the richest teams aren’t the best teams every year?

The funny thing is, no matter how bad the government is, shit like this gets people re-elected. Politicians must love it when children get trapped in caves for a few weeks

if you’re going to fuck with someones food, you don’t also flip them off. You pick one or the other.