
lol i think the point is that kyrie was mad about having too much lebron in cleveland and now he can go back and remember what cleveland w/out lebron is like

No doubt it is better than having no degree, but the question is, on average, is it better than the average amount of debt incurred (about 180k for 4 years). Now, you end up making that much money back over your life because employers will screen out non-college educated candidates for jobs, but that begs the question

Hot take:

Kinda makes you realize what an asshole he was for having a kid at 50 and then killing himself when she was 11. Tired of hearing how great a guy he was. He just fucked up his daughter because he was too “depressed” to do what the rest of us do and fucking get through shit because other people depend on us.

Yeah, frankly the whole professor sex thing isn’t really that big of a deal. Instead I consider the thousands to millions of people graduating with liberal arts degrees that high school guidance counselors advised them into that are worth about a hundred bucks with about a hundred thousand dollars of debt. Blowing the

This article is well-written, but I am questioning the premise that it is somehow wrong to trade sex for power.

Um, have you noticed how everyone is cool with the President habitually lying, breaking the law, undermining the FBI, and potentially being blackmailed by a foreign power?

lol yeah like his sports management degree?

This would be the most hilarious way for WW3 to start, hands down

I hate you

Premise: Splinter is political news.

They would probably like that, considering they are at a Trump rally. Context...

on the silver lining side of things, thanks for not shooting the guy in the back! baby steps

yeah and this guy didn’t even fit the description so next time they are going to have to go more broad with it. 5'2 to 6'8 between 100 and 340 lbs.

lol for a minute i took you saying “no library” as in no library in his prison, and was like, dude, the guy can’t read. But you’re right. He fucking wants a presidential library. Filled with books that he can’t read. Wild

Obama had was tougher opponents

Lol dude, I feel like you’re getting mad at people for making fun of someone for taking liberties with their freedom of expression... kind of ironic, no?

GOP gets no credit for this despite Paul Ryan’s blabbering about whatever.

lol the super bowl. 11 minutes of sports and 4 hours of dorito and laundry detergent commercials

lol yeah you should have kept reading. Are you familiar with how sentences have many parts and these parts can impact the meaning of the other parts?