4b. I have an absolute right against judgements
4b. I have an absolute right against judgements
I’m starting to think this Trump character isn’t hiring all the best people, and may not have been the best person for the job.
Paul Rudd
If you support the warriors you support absent fathers.
Yeah the NFL is pretty silly. The pats jaguars last year comes to mind, and I’m a pats fan. But winning like that... just every 3rd and long being pass interference...
Right but is the problem that this kid got too harsh a sentence or the Assholenza kid didnt get a long enough one?
Everybody ASSUMES that JR Smith didn’t know what the score was. But there is another possibility. Which is that he didn’t know what the score was and he also didn’t know how much time was left, or how many minutes are in a quarter. Or if they were at home or away.
That play is NOT reviewable.
I can’t understand how you aren’t in the greys
Ya, i work in state government and so everything is poorly designed (actually the federal processes are often worst) so any time i want to do work i have like 20 little weird pedantic hurdles per hour. Its exhilarating.
I think that means they are MS13
That is only part of the rule.
I’m not here to say that this was a charge or not a charge. I am here to say that when you wake up and like 70% of the sports stories in the country include discussion of whether or not this was the correct call, maybe this is a hint that it was a close call and to not say dumb things like:
Lol its really weird because it is hard to get an offensive rebound on a free throw, and JR does get the rebound and you’re like. JR! YOU DA MAN and somehow by the time you were done saying MAN you are like jr you are the worst player in nba history.
Was it wrong when i put my dick in the priests mouth? He told me Jesus said it was OK
But Kaep is protesting racial injustice, and people are mad that he is protesting the troops and America. Which he is not. Because he said he wasn’t.
So then what is your reading of why she didn’t wear the gay rights jersey? Sure seems like you’re being disingenuous here. Kaep has clearly said what he is protesting and what he is not protesting. This girl clearly said that she didn’t do the team because of the jersey. The gay rights jersey.
“if someone agrees with me it’s OK, if they don’t they should be punished”. I’m personally against that type of judgement - there was a time not too long ago when most people thought slavery was fair - the judgement of individuals is a toxic standard that will only lead to repression.
But Kaep is protesting racial injustice, and people are mad that he is protesting the troops and America. Which he is not. Because he said he wasn’t.
That’s fair. At the same time, I’d like any gay people reading this thread to know that there are many people who also feel strongly that this person is an ignorant asshole.