
I didn’t say anyone in the story was disadvantaged or oppressed. I was responding to people who think it is wrong to shun the subject of the story. My assertion is that it is OK to shun her, because her belief system contributes to a systematic oppression of a group that poses no real threat to anyone. Which is wrong.

do you support the fairness of Americans who are offended by Kaepernick kneeling to loudly and proudly voice their disrespect and disgust with his stance? I don’t know how to separate those groups in terms of their (social) right to express outrage.

Well, if your worldview contends that a group of people are an abomination and don’t deserve the same human rights as other people, maybe silence is the only option is a pretty good option.

Yeah but when you disagree with someone who’s beliefs are used to disadvantage and oppress people who have done nothing to them, that is kinda OK.

Whoa there, listen. EVERYONE should have a voice and the ability to say and act how they believe is right. Except the gays, obvisously. And brown people. And women.

I mean it is fair of her to not want to take part in “political” speech. Although calling what reasonable people consider basic human rights political would be a stretch for my rhetoric, but point granted.

She’s not black though. I don’t understand how her doing something with the national anthem is the same as black people doing it. I mean we GIVE them money just to play sports, which really means they work for US. It isn’t about race though, think of the troops

no because Christiano is super obnoxious. He’s like nick krygios but with more outfits.

Once the walls are build. Need to wall to put her in because OBAMA jails can’t hold Hillary. Dont you libruls no anything about jale?

I think we should get rid of voting rights for anyone who voted Trump. They are clearly a danger to the general population

Trump voters are sub-human

Control F - “ictim” snuck in there

In person its a lot harder and overwhelming when faced with general confrontation. This is a good place for you. Enjoy this place

lol, whatever you say, boss. Hey, can I have your ssn and DOB along with your name? I promise i won’t misuse it, after all, I’m a capitalist!

lol, whatever you say, boss. Hey, can I have your ssn and DOB along with your name? I promise i won’t misuse it,

This just depresses me. “America is going to shit, admittedly, but we are still way better to people than almost all other countries”

The internet is a great place for losers, because if we were in real life, everyone else in the room would be staring at you. Its nice to have the computer screen between you and what everyone thinks of you

Look up the life expectancy for black people in america and white people in america and you will possibly understand why racism is a bigger problem than sexism.

so yelling at a lady you work with = calling black people who you don’t personally know subhuman

He probably wasn’t one of them, which is why they are/were harassing him

bet they get out of it w/ a morality clause. very rare where instance of BS contractual language makes me happy