“I just don’t see why a picture of Hitler with his German Shep is being blown out of proportion and equated to how the Nazis used German Sheps to hunt escaped Jews. Enough political baggage!”
“I just don’t see why a picture of Hitler with his German Shep is being blown out of proportion and equated to how the Nazis used German Sheps to hunt escaped Jews. Enough political baggage!”
OK. Please let some of the mothers who don’t know where their children are right now and don’t know if they will ever see them again know that you think this is A BIG DEAL and TOTALLY UNFAIR focus by the EVIL MEDIA.
I think the only people who could possibly have a problem with this are people who are already looking for any reason to bash the Trumps.
Rich people privately agree he is insane, and are privately very happy with the tax cuts.
Lol if you live in America and think you like “asian” food and you eat it at “asian” restaurants, you probably don’t like Asian food.
Actually he has a secret twin brother like in the prestige. Read the subtext, jesus.
Yeah isn’t “Santorum” a swear word? Can’t put that on tv
All things being “equal,” being in American jail gets you better treatment than being in Russian jail.
what happens when you remove Oprah’s billions from your scenario. Compare a white homeless man to black homeless man. Who would you “rather be.”
Martha stole from rich people. That is the one crime you do time for as a rich person
and when you add in a little dose of oxy, that will really make desert pop!
because the blacks use it. thats seriously why. america sucks, relative to what it could be
We get it. You really like steph curry. You are not alone. Go bro out somewhere, just put on GSW tshirt, they will find you
Also sexist. Trump doesn’t win against a white male candidate
Yeah, what? If you changed that last line to “Morgan Freeman is 42 years old” how would it make the paragraph read any differently?
Kevin Durant is the best scorer in the NBA
I mean the drones were bad. But he doesn’t owe anybody anything. He unequivocally proved the magnitude of racism still present in the USA for those of us who aren’t faced with it daily. Every single thing he did faced a brick wall of nay-saying from purported professional governors.
The algorithm said to lose 3 games in order for the best chance at victory. Genius coaching if you ask me.
IDK lebron is lebron... and with CP3 down... I think we might be in for a gruesome Warriors versus cavs where lebron is too tired to even take it to 6 games. Sad face. I hope you’re right
They are gonna go get lebron. And all the warriors fans will talk about their genius coaching scheme