Yeah but he was famous and it sells papers/gets clicks. He IS harvey wienstien. Zero difference as far as the people after the pseudo feminist dollar are concerned
Yeah but he was famous and it sells papers/gets clicks. He IS harvey wienstien. Zero difference as far as the people after the pseudo feminist dollar are concerned
If you think there is no punishment then you could also make an argument that he didn’t do anything wrong to Becky as there was no formal altercation. Google the word “nuance” and try applying it. Your opinions will be so much more interesting.
In America pretty much all white people are white supremacists simply because they enforce a status quo of inherent white supremacy.
I hope some judge gives him 8billion dollars and he buys an NFL team
and finally, dump
I’d rather watch ugly moneyball and see the twins win than watch the Yankees buy Mike Trout and the complete pitching staffs of the Astros and the Cubs and win each series in 5 unremarkable games.
hey idiot
Lol yeah what role does pasty white Snowden play in all this when he exposes the “Magical Negro” and his white predecessor were overseeing crimes/spying against American citizens and then the poor, helpless, drone-strike authorizing “Magical Negro” accuses him of treason?
Just saying, its a little strong to call someone claiming fire code wouldn’t allow for locking restaurant doors a lie.
Neither do you. What the manager and the cop did is obviously wrong, but that doesn’t mean the women weren’t also in the wrong. Go work at a restaurant. See what kind of shit you have to deal with late at night.
Interesting how you assume the 3 women are all truthful and reasonable.
Lol are you saying fire code is a lie? Have you considered that the employee at the restaurant you were act was breaking the law? Which of these scenarios is more likely - the published, public fire code is “a lie” or that employee broke the rules in order to leave work earlier?
When we bail about the banks again in a few years, they will once again have collected monthly payments with interest rates higher than the interest rates the fed makes on loans to the banks, they will get the money back that they borrowed irresponsibly and lent irresponsibly, and they will keep all the property they…
If you think Lebron needs a wade to win, you should check out whats happened in the last 5 years in basketball
I lived near asheville, nc for a while, and i think the key to most southern and middle-ern US areas is like, cities, OK, suburbs, gross, country, toss a coin, you either have the best person ever at this farmhouse, or you’re about to get shot if brown
“oops, we got a rich one, and there was a camera”
I just want to be clear, the guy asking for a source is a dickhead, and as such, he will remain gray. Please, nobody talk to the dickhead, as you may contract brain disease common among his ilk of dickheads who know how to type
You have to prove you aren’t one of them. We blue states require two MAGA scalps for every person who wants admission. Just make sure there is still brain matter on the red hat or we won’t know for sure you didn’t just steal it and shoot it later
Stop jerking off in Burger King, Kevin.
Lol you’re such a fuckface. Go play your video games, loser