
No its the AI on the ship in Black Panther. Didn’t you read the article?

Which candidate did ‘skonson go for this election?

Anything that weighs 3.5 times as much as something else will probably win. Elephant kills tiger

I can do the 12 foot fence and 10mph for many miles

lol well you’d be wrong. pretty sure just a really fat person who was determined could beat a cougar. They aint tigers. Not saying it’d be fun. Just don’t let it get your throat and keep your wits aboot you. You in this scenario being a 350 pound man with hands that could snap a cougar’s arm.

Yeah I actually have 2 houses, am under 30. It isn’t terribly hard, I only make 55k a year. However, lots of people didn’t go to state school like I did, and are working off paying down 150k in loans at like 6%, which is terribly hard.

Lol how many times have you typed “rights” today, ya dumb fuck? No more time to waste talking to someone who doesn’t acknowledge their developmental disabilities. Never gonna get any smarter than you are right now. Shucks :/ 

I truly believe most of these problems are due to the moral decline of our culture and a society where we do not care about people over objects.

Lol. I like when people say things like “let that sink in for a minute.” It reminds me of all the edgy writers in my ENG 101 class.

Lebron is way better than MJ. It isn’t even close. MJ is like Curry if we want to draw parallels, or James Harden (but Harden doesn’t have a superteam) or Russel Westbrook (but Russ doesn’t have a superteam.)

I, for one, applaud the Trump administration for being so perceptive about the true human condition. Yes, we are all indeed animals, and would best understand ourselves through that lens much of the time.

I noticed that this article mentioned a production of “Ragtime” and how it had the N word in it and that was bad. So it is bad to ignore racial dynamics in history (party like its 1776) and also bad to acknowledge racial dynamics in history (Ragtime). Well, that’s simple enough!

Nope, he/she was defending the 7 year olds right to not be pushed out of a 25th story window, idiot. There is literally no excuse short of “there is a fire that is about to consume us and this is a more pleasant way to die.” Unless that was the case, you can fuck off with your excuse making. She murdered a kid. I

Listen, if you get abused, you’re allowed to murder people, obviously. If you disagree with this YOU ARE AN ABUSER

They were convinced by the campaign slogan “elect me and stuff will be great!”

I prefer to focus all my energy in a negative manner, not so much at the shooter but more at the slow 40 year creep that has led to totally irresponsible gun (and other) politics and the severe under-funding of public schools.

Yeah I wish a cop would do that cop thing where they murder someone without consequence, just this one last time. Like, they are always shooting people and the excuse is “i thought they had a gun.” Why can’t they shoot this guy? He had a gun.

Yeah I bet nobody has tried locking the doors. Good thinking. Give this guy a cabinet position

I’m pretty sure its porn

You better be careful. We elected Obama 5 years ago. This could happen to you. If all of us reasonable people move there and vote, you can avoid Rob Ford - PM Addition