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The problem with the claim that the media is liberally biased is that it is true. The media has had a left-wing bias for decades, which came about from the media’s historical penchant of reporting facts and making common sense determinations. This put them clearly in line with “liberal” thinking,” a genius term…
Just go to walmart. Or live in my neighborhood. Sigh
Are you planning for a war of some sort?
We get it. You’ve never had sex
LOL how ugly are you to think THAT thing is hot. Have you ever heard the term “butterface?”
Not worse, but equals, which means they should be taken out back and shot, figuratively speaking
First off, I never stipulated Democratic. So I won’t abide by it.
Writing the ABA to complain that a lawyer is kind of a cunt isn’t the same thing as calling Starbucks because an employee did a racist thing on the job.
If he is willing to draw the conclusion “because a person speaks Spanish they are not American (and also on welfare,)” it would seem that he lacks the fundamental logical faculties necessary to provide adequate legal counsel, which is the reason the BAR association exists in the first place, right?
our prisons are mostly full of people who get screwed over by employers, not by employers who screw people over.
I agree. Just because you are raising your kids to be primed for maximum entitlement doesn’t necessarily mean your wife is shitty. I just hope she never isn’t in the mood for sex, imagine the fit you’d throw then!
You’re conflating my response with general arguments against the TSA.
Agreed. Now if only our incompetent government could also be coerced into making decision using logical reasoning and cost-benefit analysis.
That’s what he just did. And the decisions based on the metrics are that you are wrong, and the TSA is generally useless in the capacity it claims to act
Are you also the guy who tells black people it is no big deal to be constantly pulled over by police because you also have a friend who gets pulled over a lot and just “deals with it?”
but the agencies are too scared to remove for fear that their asses won’t be covered.
at worst, 20 minutes of waiting in line and 3 minutes to walk through a machine and have your bag x-rayed.
last time i checked the TSA is a governmental organization, not part of a private business. so the government is making me get an X-ray in order to use a service in the private sector.