You were talking about how disease affects the brain.
You were talking about how disease affects the brain.
lol yes I’m sorry how I can’t understand that
Here are two things you said:
1 and 4
So I guess you don’t believe in free will.
I’m more trying to get at how being a “sex addict” shouldn’t really have any bearing on anything, ever.
Bottle of richard cream raped me.
Yeah, I understand all that. My main problem is with the clear divide between how personal bankruptcy is treated versus corporate.
lol u so angry
have you figgered out i’m just here to make fun of you and each response gratifies me (know that you’ve read it, have you figgurred it out?)
so mad at the world, associates degree.
lol u so mad bro. let me try:
That said, there are legitimate therapists that try to treat average people with actual sex addictions.
WHOA A DOCTOR DIAGNOSED ME WITH THIS, OK?! Now, hence forth I will bear no real consequences of my addiction (recovering murder addict).
I think it would be clearer and more correct to use “Trumpette”
All of this is reasonable except for the wildly exaggerated caloric figure. You burn roughly 100 calories when you run a mile. So a day of dirt-biking would have to be equivalent to running like 80 miles to burn 8,000 calories. Unless you mean 8,000 calories total for the day, and assuming you burn 3,000 maintaining…
lol, that sure did work for Obama. Got us here. Got us Gorsuch instead of Garland. Oh, did I mention Trump? Head of NASA who denies climate change? Head of EPA who thinks EPA is a waste of time?
Lol wut? 4-20 was days ago. Get yourself together
Ah yes, family. Now let us all take a moment of silence and weep for brother Hitler, brother Stalin, and the guy who shot my actual brother. #Family
He feared for his life! Use of force justified.