Are you talking about flatulence? Different kind of bean
Are you talking about flatulence? Different kind of bean
This doesn’t seem nearly as interesting. If you were rich would you pay NBA players to dunk on homeless people?
Shit. We need to change that rule. Actually, you could just throw unhittable pitch for strike 3 and let it escape the catcher. If the runner refuses to run to first base, you could throw the ball into the stands, which should be an automatic double.
It’s 16 pitches for the first run, and then 4 pitches thereafter. This would be easy, you could just lob the ball 10 feet short of home plate, so one guy could get up through a hundred runs, throwing, say, 300 slow pitches. We can assume they would eventually start trying to swing (to end the misery), so then you’d…
This is CONSIDERABLY false!
I think it would be really hilarious way to score a moral victory if the opposing team, down 82-0, stopped throwing any hittable pitches. Walk 45 runs in in a row. If the batter tries to swing at the horrible non-strikes, bean them. Force the game late into the night, far into the triple digits. In fact, maybe you…
Sure, I agree with you on just about every point. But regarding the posters I was arguing with, it is obvious to me that they don’t like what is being said, so they aim to change the conversation. This is dishonest, and as a person with principles in this dark time, I don’t allow for dishonesty in political (or most…
So your sentence reads:
I’ll take you at your word. But you weren’t the person/2 people trying to scapegoat this failure on this idea of non-voters who ruined everything.
I love how you both pretend this isn’t about defending Clinton. It’s like talking to Trump people but not wearing red hats. Totally incapable of bad thoughts about the savior.
These are the thesaurus results for patently
So, you aren’t wrong, you’re just missing the context.
In NY one person present needs to know that something is being taped. So you can’t tape somebody over the phone or in another room, but you can tape anybody if you are in their company (without their knowledge.)
Repeatedly assuring would be called re-assuring. And I never said I wasn’t a baby. Obviously, I’m not, because I’m here in a paternal fashion, letting you know what a baby you are. So that you can one day grow up.
“All we have to decide is what to do with the names that are given to us”
It is not patently, obviously false. Do you know what patently means or do you just type it when you want to add emphasis to your opinion? Especially in conjunction with “obviously.” Why don’t you say something simpler like “very, very, totally” false. That would be about as intelligent.
And blaming unnamed people for not voting clinton can guarantee everybody thinks you’re a whiny loser.
Lol, yes, they matter in the same way that unsaid words matter, unfired guns, and unspent money.
So by this logic, the real reason you can post this post is because none of the 7 billion people in the world are stopping you. And because your keyboard has no malfunctioned.