
Yeah, the real problem is bail being set for turnstyle jumpers, etc. They argue that they don’t have ties to the “community,” meaning the community of respectable white folk.


You are currently commenting on an article written about him BECAUSE he was on television BECAUSE he applied to and got in to 20 prestigious schools. It doesn’t take a super genius capable of getting into 20 prestigious schools to figure out that the answer to your question exists in the premise.

“trump racists” is redundant. You can just say Trump supporters, or even shorter - republicans. These are all the same thing

Hotdogs are to be boiled, left out to cool, and eaten off the dirty, dirty floor. This is what hotdogs are for.

I had no idea this site had so many humorless bomb diffusal afficionados. Tough crowd!

At least its NY. He might see some consequences. If this happened in Florida they’d arrest him for missing

Most notably that partially obscured wok

Those pots won’t fit in that sink.

On NPR this morning they had a bunch of senior citizen Nebraska farmers on to talk about the tariffs that are about to fuck them up, and most of them are doing that thing stupid people do where instead of accepting the truth and moving forward they are living in a false reality, and one guy literally said “we’ll see.

i really don’t feel like WW is a good comparison. Maybe like watching a really fat retarded person yell at the TV for running a commercial for his favorite snack that he no longer eats because he’s going to get thin but actually has just switched over to a different snack and doesn’t understand that his plan is flawed

I bet the reason they were 16 minutes apart is that people have been bugging him about typos and nobody was willing to write this tweet for him and that is how long it takes him to proofread and type 140 characters himself.


Nobody said they were confused about why he isn’t getting signed. They are saying he is a lot better than the people who are getting signed. Kindov like if at work there was a guy who was pretty smart, but isn’t ok with the President saying “grab her by the pussy,” so instead you get a really dumb guy who fucks up all

He had one healthy year

RG3 qb ratings by season:

He’s a superbowl caliber QB with a top 20 all-time QB rating who NO OTHER TEAMS will look at. You could sign this guy for 2 mil. If he never kneeled? What did they just give cousins? I’d call that value.

He just figured this out now?

While it may be true that dems are bad at messaging, part of the problem is that to understand a complicated idea, you have to be not a total idiot, and most republican voter, at least the base, are total idiots. It is hard to explain a complicated idea to total idiots, but it is very easy to say things like “YOUR

This would be part of working out the law, so maybe