“... and I base that on absolutely nothing.”
“... and I base that on absolutely nothing.”
He/she also did so incorrectly. A proxy war is a war instigated by a state that is not directly involved. By getting directly involved, it would no longer be a proxy war. For an example of a real proxy war, look to Yemen.
You do realize that “using the most advanced fighting force on the planet” by which I assume you mean American military, would mean it is not a proxy war, which is defined as “a war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved.”
No I’m talking about ohio and michigan voters who aren’t diehard trump supporters. Trump base are always going to vote republican because they believe the highest law is the 2nd amendment, followed by the 10 commandments. Republicans still need to win over the protestants who make decent money and don’t know any black…
I’m just saying - its like a board of directors at a company. The CEO can break all the laws and do all the bad so long as they get what they want. But as soon as the public shareholders start selling (if news comes out about trump that starts unquestionably hurting 2018 republican downticket), they are out the door.
The republicans will wait until the hammer drops, and then turn on Trump. Their best case scenario is that it happens before Nov 2018 so that they can be seen as doing something about Trump, and slow the bleeding enough to maintain control of the house for Pence.
lol (at you)
Me too.
[Next week]
Do you support universal health care? In Canada, there is an extra tax on Alcohol and Cigarettes, the logic being that if you are using these products, you are more likely to be a heavy user of the healthcare system. The same logic could be applied to soda and other sugary foods.
His take is wrong, but I’ve worked with and at food banks and the fact is, there is plenty of produce available to people getting assistance. Unfortunately, many of them don’t have the cooking skills necessary or the information necessary to make good choices.
I have. And while my parents consciously chose to make use eat healthy, I watched my peers get addicted to sugar by age 12. An addiction which persists today.
Those kids and their wacky challenges. In this case the knife abdomen challenge
Read: Anything Clinton does worthy of reproach is ALL BERNIE’S FAULT. FUCKING MEN!
I agree - this is all Bernie’s fault. Fucking Bernie Bros and their secret woman-hating agendas.
See, when you conflate Bill Cosby with Obama, that is how you hurt black heroes.
Yeah now I can’t tell if this new news has done it’s job of obfuscating any other newsworthy events about him or if there never were any. So it worked. Or else he is a nice guy. But it probably just worked
I wasn’t comparing the two, I just think that I heard a story about Diaz and alleged sexual harassment a few weeks ago, and therefore the timing here is convenient.
Hate to be the cynical person, but I’m pretty sure this is just what Kevin Spacey tried to do, but Junot pulled it off. Change the conversation. There’s a reason he came out with this now as opposed to before women started making allegations against him.