
You know, driving would be much safer if you always went 20% below the speed limit. Now that I think about it... why not 30 percent?!

Another big risk is driving. Have you ever gone out for a drive, just for the heck of it? That is an unnecessary risk.

I really doubt he cares what an old bag thinks. She’s never gonna have sex again, and he probably just started. Fucking olds. I really think it is the sexual frustration, all the Trump voting. Just olds and weird white couples who make money and never fuck

One could argue that job performance is tied to intellectual ability. I mean, if you go far enough, nothing is anyone’s fault. If your parents beat and starved you as a child, do you think you have the same chance to contribute to society meaningfully?

I think this is a really shitty comment. Like, do that in your notebook or local word processor if it makes you feel good, but that was not good enough to be showing anyone.

Counterpoint: She didn’t choose her face, but she chooses to act like an asshole, and knows about her face, so she should expect us to make fun of it if she acts like an asshole, which she does, powerfully

Wonder if the people responsible for the 2008 financial collapse are serving time for the suicides they caused. No? Howbout just for the financial crimes? Not that either? We need more black bankers!

So you are waging the war on Christmas, then?

I mean, if you were a member of one of the 79 families who lost someone because of this psychopath, you can’t see yourself voting for a far right candidate as a result of this experience?

I heard as punishment they are going to make him fight mayweather again

When I worked at the homeless and runaway youth shelter it was always the worst girls in the worst situations with the worst self esteem who were like “i want a baby.” The ones who accidentally got pregnant being dumb were gonna be OK to some degree, but the ones who want a baby because they don’t like anything about

I’d give it even odds that it was a cop, just not on the clock.

I heard gay Frankenstein wasn’t really a monster at all. He was a man, like us!

Yeah, the dark side of this story is she becomes diabetic and dies by 50. That being said, the only people who should be allowed to shame other people are the ones with stones, or something jesus said like that. Don’t be gay or something? Wash my feet? Don’t shame people if you do gay stuff with unwashed feet.

See, I said it is pragmatic to just take this guy out back and shoot him. You said that you don’t see how, since he is neutralized. I then pointed out that he will be released.

I am utterly fine with people who killed 70 people being released back into the general population of free civilians 20+ years after their crimes to give them a chance to live a legal life that contributes in some way to society. I believe in giving even the most deplorable, horrible person the opportunity to change,

This guy is not capable of linear discussion. He also didn’t know that the mass murdering guy isn’t serving life, and then when confronted with that reality said he would have him babysit his kids and then complained about American prisons some more

See, I said it is pragmatic to just take this guy out back and shoot him. You said that you don’t see how, since he is neutralized. I then pointed out that he will be released.

I suppose you could ignore everything I say because you don’t believe it’s morally ethical to insert jokes into serious discussions, but that’s just you avoiding having to reckon with the rest of what I say.