
If only there were some example from recent memory about loosely regulated banks, particularly relevant to mortgage products, leading to the general taxpaying public realizing risk...


You: I just don’t think there’s anything pragmatic about killing a heinous murderer that has been neutralized and incarcerated.

You didn’t do your research. This guy isn’t even serving life. Believing in rehabilitation means you also don’t believe in incarcerating for life.

What principle is it that leads you to believe such a thing? Vengeance? Bloodthirst? I’m truly curious.

I agree with you 100% about American prisons. Where I disagree is that a person who murdered 79 people on purpose in order to start his political campaign to create a global empire can or should be rehabilitated.

People really love to have #causes. Thinking, on the other hand, people ain’t a big fan o that stuff.

Counterpoint: The shift doesn’t work if the players don’t know their responsibilities with runners on in said shift

Modern countries don’t use medieval forms of punishment, like execution or the hacking off of hands.

Despite the hardliners replying to you, I agree. The death penalty is wrong, and should be avoided when possible, but when you gun down a bunch of children because you think feminism is ruining the european culture neccessary to form a super world government centered on your country, maybe it is time for somebody to

Later, Kasich asked voters: “Hey, how bout that local sports team, right?”

Yeah I really hate people most of the time these days. Especially when I check out that approval rating.

The WW2 vets were the ones who supported vietnam, right?

Next we deport them

lol you just got your ass handed to you via logical reasoning and your deflection is pretty telling. Just own it, you didn’t understand

These protesters want one thing & one thing only: to stop everybody else from eating meat.

I’m just saying you are as wrong as the people who say he is definitely innocent, which is to say 50% wrong.

Have you ever considered that he might have panicked? I mean, people hit deer all the time, while other people avoid them. Are you suggesting they all want to kill the deer?

The other cars on the track were able to avoid hitting the guy. Stewart isn’t as good at driving a sprint car as them?

It’s no different than if I pulled a gun on you to intimidate you, and then accidentally shot you.