
I’m fairly certain they have some form of acceleration mechanism that’s operated by the driver, as well as some kind of mechanism that controls the brakes.

See: poor trump voters

I feel like his name is so close to being rapport, and then he just stutters. Suits him well

They have dirty blood. We must remove them from the gene pool.

Prove it. Prove you aren’t motivated by partisan politics.

I think that the best Disney Movie was the Lion King.

You know someone is not worth listening to when they say “endlessly debunked”

You do realize that in Japan there is a history of racism against Koreans. So do you want to amend you point to say “White people and Japanese are the worst,” or does me referencing another part of the world make you realize that it is much more of the human tendency to establish “us vs them” paradigms, which you then

No sir, i suppose not. Macroeconomics and sociology aren’t quite science science... tough to really know what goes on. We still can’t even predict cloud cover, let alone a few billion independent humans following their strange divisions of rules

That said, it is nonsense to suggest that ‘white privilege’ is entirely responsible for white American success. If that were the case, there wouldn’t be so many poor and unsuccessful white Americans.

It’s harder for white folks a little lower on the economic ladder to understand that they’ve still had a relative boost

It isn’t really nonsense. It isn’t to say that they didn’t work hard, it is to say that they had a clear and meaningful advantage in life that allowed them to achieve material wealth and economic security beyond their actually contribution to society.

I think the idea is that once you get to a certain age as a white male (white females to a lesser degree) you need to grapple with the fact that everything you’ve accomplished and all the wealth you’ve amassed has an asterisk next to it if we step back and look objectively. For most people, that is too hard a pill to

If you personally know them and support a wall or other measures to stop illegal immigrants from entering, why haven’t you reported them?

Yeah, I really don’t have a problem with non politically active vegans. Politically vocal vegans bother me because of how bad their platform is, strategically.

Because not only is he too dumb to get into the college he wants, he is also a NERD. Remember who her audience is. They can be two things at once - right and smart, while also not some book-loving nerd.

Colorblind people aren’t people and don’t deserve dignity, respect, or human rights of any kind.

If you do it in a meadow thats pastoral position

There are other ways?!

Ah yes, let’s get David, the true enemy