
I think its more like the battered kid that beats the dog. White men abuse white women, white women look to someone less powerful than them.

Actually, I never said he was a halfway decent person. If you go ahead and re-read what I said, maybe you will still have time to edit your comment to look less idiotic. Although based on your status in the greys, I doubt worrying about how idiotic you look is a priority.

This is without a doubt odds-on favorite for the dumbest thing anyone will say to me today. I am in Eastern Standard Time, so it is about 11am here.

But you’re being lead by a blogger to hate one of the most progressive billionaires in the world. Jeff Bezos basically has slaves. Most billionaires are tied to oil and gas. Musk is focused on green energy and transportation, space exploration and the advancement of human kind.

4.0 = A

I don’t totally disagree with you, but I think what we have here is a society adapting to technology.

I don’t get what you’re going for. I think semi-automatic guns should be illegal and therefore I’m a snowflake, and also you hurt my feelings?

It is the transition from behind the scenes corruption of the last 50 years to in your face corruption seen in the other second-world nations of earth.

Capable of complex thoughts? Vegans generally remind me of people who think they are really special for not getting a diamond ring because it is wrong. Hats off to them. The pinnacle of enlightenment and then just stop right there, never considering how their clothes came to be stitched or bothering with solar panels.

It is hard. Frankly, I feel a little embarrassed saying I am feeling uncomfortable about race, because that suggests that I have a problem I want people to pay attention to, lol. Its a weird line to tip-toe. I much prefer being around black people in person in a friend environment, smoking pot or drinking, etc., where

And plants don’t feel pain

The direction you’re going, if you care to follow the logic, will lead you to moral relativism. What makes the most good for the most people. Where it gets tricky is when you include animals. So, then we need to develop a system to valuing animals. This is where you crazy PETA folk lose all support, not agreeing to

Since you seem sympathetic to the PETA mantra, I do have a serious question - I’ve adopted two dogs. Now, I care a lot about these dogs, and do everything I can to keep them happy and healthy. With the pitt, this is easy, but the Belgian Malanois is a tougher nut to crack. He needs several miles of running a day, on

I’m just trying to get a hold on what is whattaboutism. It seems to be when anyone makes a comparison that doesn’t support your argument, but does not include when you make comparisons to support your argument.

If you and others think their protest is pointless or stupid, why let it bother you so much? They’re not threatening anyone, just standing outside expressing an opinion.

What about the whales at sea world? They are more intelligent than other animals and are tortured in their captivity. Is that whattaboutism?

if you give an electorate a tv set

I hope you don’t use medicine. You know how we figured that shit out, right?

Exactly. Its the same as anything. Really it is just loud, type-A personalities that suck, and they exist as vegans, christians, muslims, psycholohy majors, rugby fans, etc. The rest of us get a bad name for our respective loud, type-A peeps.

So the child labor cell phone issue is whattaboutism, but the meat of tortured dogs versus fattened ducks is not. Got it.