
Foie gras is within the same vicinity of horrible than the condition of any factory farmed animal.

1. Semi-automatic. Rifles should be bolt action. Shotguns should be pump or chamber loaded 2-shot

In 2012, there were 8,855 total firearm-related homicides in the US, with 6,371 of those attributed to handguns- wikipedia

Via wikipedia: Michael John Diaper, aka “Mike Diaper” is a Canadian string virtuoso best known for his cello part in the hit quartet “Smother Theresa.” Produced by Gandalph Hernandez in partnership with Kanye West’s 4th child, Karen West.

Via wikipedia: Michael John Diaper, aka Mike Diaper is a Canadian singer best known for his cello part in the hit quartet “Smother Theresa.” Produced by Gandalph Hernandez in partnership with Kanye West’s 4th child, Karen West.

Careful. If you acknowledge that trump trolls blame hillary then a hillary troll will come blame bernie at which point a bernie troll will attack hillary and we will forget what a fat fucking loser trump is

Mike Diaper is my stage name. I’m suing that guy.

You’re operating under the assumption that there is a kid in the household and then another that the shotgun is accessible to the kid

Trick question - it is Jared Fogle. I won’t name which part

I’m calling a winner out of that bracket, in a huge upset - Gandalf Hernandez.

Lol, an officer will scare the perp into suicide? Good logic

Well, all of us who say things like “tooth #9”

1. He keeps guns just around the house unsecured because the thinks a “personal defense” situation is going to occur, or carries them in public regularly

Oops. Looks like you are not only dumb, but the dumb thing you argued needed to be talked about never actually happened.

Plus they would have to shake his hand. Who is gonna volunteer to be that fall guy?

Was trying to get his Xbox to download the new Call of Duty patch. Which of course is the true nexus of the talk around violent video game legislation

It is almost as if religion is a tool to control people. Crazy

Maybe one day we will be able to admit as a society that believing in ghosts who tell you how to live life is textbook mental illness. Until then, we must argue over WHICH ghosts who tell you how to live your life are right and which ones are evil and/or made up

No, see, it isn’t about a specific religion. You give me the name of a religion, and I’ll give you some fucked up shit it has resulted in. Let’s not pretend all the invisible magic men aren’t causing equal amounts of carnage.

Oh big surprise, you want to tell me about YOU.