
Money has more to do with getting away with crimes than race, unless you are poor, at which point money doesn’t matter and then it is just a lot easier being white.

He didn’t lose to the most embarassing president in the world and U.S. history, so I suppose it worked out better for him than the not having a message worked out for Clinton... sorry bub, this whole “Clinton beat bernie sanders so she doesn’t totally suck” thing doesn’t hold water.

They are using the Trump playbook. Whenever Trump fucks up, he goes “But Hillary is so bad!”

Lol, I love how hard the Hillary people go after Bernie. It reminds me of how Trump goes after Hillary to detract from how shitty he is. Trump lite! Nice look!

Frankly, it seems like people are constantly telling Bernie Sanders to shut up. In fact, in this article about Clinton that doesn’t mention Bernie Sanders, you’ve managed to do so. It reminds me of when Trump does a bad thing and say “what about Hillary.” Hillary fucks up and you say “What about Sanders!?”

You’re right. Please direct thoughts and prayers to bring the girl back to life and continue not talking about guns. “THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO TALK ABOUT GUNS, A LITTLE GIRL IS DEAD!”

Who do you comment? We could get your opinions from every middle class white post-college dick on the corner. “This is outrageous, I will not stand for the ill-treatment of dogs!”

Lol you just compared black people to dogs, you understand that, right?

He also gains visibility. He could be looking at a million a year for talking football a couple hours a week once he retires. The more notable a player, the more earning power after retirement. Headlines are worth money, and he just made a bunch of them in the offseason.

Oh, another point you missed is that if people die of pneumonia, how do you come to the conclusion that this dog’s pneumonia was caused by running? I mean, if we can’t keep people from dying, I find it difficult to believe that pneumonia is a totally curable problem for dogs. Although I’m guessing you also think that

This is where you’ve missed the point hardest:

Oh, and hate speech is a dumb term and a dumb idea. Irresponsible and offensive to disadvantaged groups is a better way to say it. I hate you the same whether I choose to call you a retard or a dick, you just get more offended by one of them because the internet told you so. Fun fact: the world “idiot” was a medical

1. They also don’t euthanize dogs by running them to death, and if they did, that would be much more fucking cruel. 

“And that was the moment Lamplighter galvanized his assertion that he knows everything, especially about stuff he knows nothing about from personal experience or study.”

Let me help you out with that 3 dogs a year die find me ANY example of something like this retarded challenge:

Find me ANY other similar sampling of young, strong dogs who die at that rate over the course of a given 1-2 weeks

You think a dog would rather run 100 miles a day in the snow than, say, lie by the fire eating kibbles?

Dude, you definitely don’t have a working dog if you don’t understand this. And if you do, boy is that dog fucking depressed.

I’m sure your heart is in the right place but, like most things, the overwhelming narrative about what dogs want is designed by Petsmart, and not by people who really pay attention to dogs. Unfortunately, this has led a a lot of people to fundamentally misunderstand how to have happy dogs. It is a lot like how it used

being forced to run for hours