
Do you own any working dogs? I really think you lack perspective here. My dog needs to be stopped so that he doesn’t overexhert himself. Once a beaver bit him clean through his leg and I didn’t notice for an hour because he didn’t care. I kept on canoeing and he kept on swimming. When we got back to the parking area

It didn’t die from running. It died from pneumonia. If you want to be mad about cruelty to dogs, check out most homes, or puppy mills, or police, or carcinogens in dog food.

I understand, but the bottom line is that these dogs live for this. Some of them die for it too. I mean, shutting down puppy mills would do so much more for dogs as a whole. Like, exponentially more. I just don’t see the issue as outrage worthy when puppy mills exist. You could call that whattaboutism, but I’d argue

When you don’t reply to someone in order to keep them grey, but then screenshot their post and reply to it so that you can totally control the conversation, that says more about you and your point than any worlds you have to say.

While I understand the outrage, the alternative seems bleaker. Your typical American home is hell for dogs, at least they dogs get to run and work while they are here. Without the sled dog culture, these dogs would either never exist or would be in mostly bad situations.

Is this a church thing? Sounds like a church thing, I don’t go to church so I don’t know. If not, where else are you getting your rules from?

“I can’t be a racist I have a black friend! I’m not an internment apologist I know a Japan word!”

lol, i was agreeing with you, jeeze. My response was the hyperbole of the opposite of drama, which is, of course, why we watch movies in the first place. Conflict. Can’t have it without people who act badly.

The head of the department is not following protocol. The protocol setters have gone rogue in light of the deep state left media monster

lol, there’s always one. you silly little troglodyte, you.

So when the pope tells thousands of children to invade the middle east and kill the Muslims, this is his prerogative because God talks to him. Got it.

Right. I’m talking about how he/she is not a bigot, just someone who recognizes this application of religion for what it is: useless misdirection

Shaming anyone for their religious beliefs is no different than shaming someone for the color of their skin, sexuality, or physical body.

Imagine if there were people in this world who acted totally irrationally, who could not be reasoned with based on a set of shared principals - who would even kill and not fear death or retribution if some unprovable, ethereal idea told them to do so.

Yes, they are like a virus

I just can’t get over how everyone is jumping on this band wagon of liking the unfaithful money-grubbing status-obsessed gun-owner real estate agency wife who is really mean to her daughter because her husband also sucks. What could be less feminist than to apologize for a shitty woman by saying “yeah, but her husband

No, I want a movie where everyone acts right and good and all conflicts are averted by sharing feelings and actively listening to one another. Also I would like all horror movie characters to stick together, stay put, and call the police while reiterating the laws of physics aloud so as to dispel hysteria.

Fair enough, but also consider: no couch is worth $5000

Pretty sure that Kevin Spacey’s character being a dildo doesn’t mean the wife wasn’t also a huge dildo. And your take that the “real man” real estate king was a “real man” as opposed to an obvious dildo is alarming.

Your take at more than immediate face value is NOT APPRECIATED HERE. All main characters are decidedly the heroes of the movie and the director loves them and is clearly making a bold statement to society that how they act is how everyone should act, obviously.