
Lol but don’t we watch TV shows because the writers make the characters do bad things? What show do you watch, the one where everyone acts right and conflict is averted in a timely manner via restorative sharing dialogue exersizes?

No, in the same way 20 minutes won’t actually replace 30 minutes.

I used to think I was against capital punishment. My views on the issue are changing, but it should be limited to financial and moral crimes against the entire US population.

If you have an internet connection that means you have electricity. I’m willing to bet running water as well. You’re up on like 1/4 of the world population, ya shitbag.

whoo ha

I’m sure you’re a great guy. So is Jimmy. I think you’d be put off if I scoffed at your contributions to society because you make more money than me.

Right. My point is that anyone saying they made less money who makes more money than you seems silly, but this is irrational. You see yourself as the norm and expect other people to measure their wealth against your own.

I believe they have been the most accurate predictors of the future in the last 2 years. Probably contracting them to figure out who the next chair of the fed will be (Barron Trump)

I wonder what he told George Bush about global warming. He never talks about that.

Pot calling the kettle black....

And you make plenty more than the average human on earth, so why not take a pay cut?


Yeah, if you’re not willing to stand up during turbulence then don’t bring a child or a puppy on a plane. When you are responsible for the lives of others you have.... responsibility.

You definitely shouldn’t be allowed to have a dog. Or children, for that matter. Hopefully you aren’t legally allowed to drive a car. Maybe I’d trust you with a cactus. Maybe.

See: eli manning

This cactus is like a plant

Comey will be remembered for 1 thing and 1 thing only. What an oaf.

GTFO. We don’t do things that make sense. Er, I mean, something something, incremental change, compromise.

It depends. Most of these guys are really there to get other (lower) management to systematically break the law while creating plausible deniability. It is a hard job

Money is more about being a man. I’ve read studies where men can make themselves more attractive with money to a much greater degree than women. I’m sure the same thing translates across race (because lets be real, the study was probably mostly white dudes and white chicks)