black men are still preferred, because you can’t beat that cultural connection
black men are still preferred, because you can’t beat that cultural connection
Russia is more like a big North Korea (no economy, small dark barks so much people pay attention). If somebody is really pulling Kim’s strings, it is China. Which also makes a lot of sense. Trump is a protectionist who will destroy US influence globally.
China could have ended North Korea at any moment since the end of WW2. They use it as a tool. Now they are applying the tool differently, in order to keep a president in office who is isolating the US, thereby increasing China’s global influence. Pretty simple. It ain’t Russia, its the real deal.
they both want Kim to stay in power.
Bingo. But it is the same idea. China loves Trump. Time to become #1, been talking about it for years, and now we are catalyzing it with a dotard president.
Might be China. We are currently opening the door for them in the pacific rim, europe, south america... hmmm... everywhere?
Frankly, it can be less conspiracy-y than that. China obviously recognizes that Trump is, in fact, a dotard. Therefore, they have a strong economic interest in seeing him continue fucking everything up, especially in light of his new plan to start trade wars and remove the US from pacific Asia as a trade superpower.
Yeah, I’m not saying we live in a meritocracy by any means, but in order to get promoted just about anywhere resulting in moving to a new tax bracket I think you’d need the early middle school education requisite to understand taxing your first 20k different than your additional 10k. It is probably harder to set up…
“It isn’t like somebody was smoking weed. As long as nobody smoked weed, I don’t see what the big deal is, about, like, anything... man. Let’s order pizza!”
I usually come out a bit even. A few dollars.
Lol. No. They didn’t get the promotion or were too lazy to want the added work. Good excuse for them, though. Oh wait, shitty excuse. Hence my belief they probably weren’t really promoted or were just looking for a reason to relax.
I mean, maybe they weren’t about breastfeeding. But when a guy saw a woman breastfeeding and then went and banged his 13 year old niece, they gave her the treatment. Let’s not apologize for puritans just because modern America is also a bunch of assholes.
Why would the insurance companies have lobbied for it if it wouldn’t make them money? I don’t follow your logic here
the ACA and protections it has such as for pre-existing conditions, though great for those with them, mean more expensive coverage overall
Fun fact - when Trump’s brother died, Trump refused to allow his estate to pay for health insurance for his widow and her newborn (who had a serious medical condition.
It is almost as if the two parties exist simply to give contrast to one another and to avoid the question “is our government working” by supplanting with the question “which party is the reason our government isn’t working?”
Unions are an institution that promotes and protects white privilege. Any idea how hard it is for an immigrant, let alone an undocumented person, to gain entry to a union?
The point is that driverless trucks are equally as important as driverless cars. This is also important in terms of logistics. Right now UPS does its own avionics, mapping, and ancillaries. Imagine if one company developed a network that would not only eliminate the need for truck drivers, but also establish efficient…
What is the market cap of the shipping industry? That’s where things get wild. Tesla has the potential to severely limit the vertical integration of all material goods companies.
It would appear that Musk has been ahead of the curve more often than Jobs. Paypal being the most significant move. Solar industry (Musks cousin was the “founder and ceo” of solarcity. It was obviously Musk), electric unmanned vehicles. The only one that doesn’t have a path to clear mass market profitability is the…