
Yeah, that is what got me. So is he too dumb to know stomping a head is wrong, or is he too smart to... get caught again?

Exactly. Glass-Steagall? Bill Clinton.

Yeah plus if the father has a 7 figure income I have a feeling the general family court statistics don’t apply.

That was for 2 years. The previous presidency lasted 8 years. I assume you aren’t very good at math. That means for the past 6 years, or 3 quarters of the last administration, what you are saying was not true.

We have exceeded 2% growth in 7 of the last 12 quarters. I assume you aren’t good at math - that is more than half of them.

God, imagine what you could do with all that money if you were normal. You could probably have a vacation home if you had invested it after your first .22, the only gun besides a shotgun that is both useful and reasonable.

Please relate this article back to how cryptocurrency is a made-up ripoff ponzi scheme. This article does not belong at gawker.

lol you really like michael bay, eh?

I’m still trying to decide if that was someone in marketing being an asshole or not thinking.

yes, it is good, almost too good, hence the foray

This is a good troll

Yeah, I always want to speak up when people say Bill B is some genius. He’s just the only FOOTBALL! guy who was willing to look at some bold new field of study called “statistics” when making decisions

He voted for trump and then found out his health insurance was ACA, and now he needs to let everyone know that him and his cousins aren’t all dumb (they are)

1/2 credit. teddybears ft iggy pop

2. You don’t get points for “female empowerment” when you abused and nearly killed your lead actress

“Look!... an outsider!... SHUN IT!”

I don’t like Tarantino and the BS he has propagated recently but...

Is the south middle America?

This was also Alexander Hamilton’s strategy for young America, if I remember correctly

If the car was moving I agree with you. If the car was stationary I don’t see why this is an issue. If I park my car and am rummaging around in the back seat when I am struck by another vehicle, are my injuries my fault? Sounds like a load of shit to me.