Roundabouts are so insane in light of this. There are just people who think yield means stop, and then people who think yield means they have the right of way. I am the only known person in between these two extremes
Roundabouts are so insane in light of this. There are just people who think yield means stop, and then people who think yield means they have the right of way. I am the only known person in between these two extremes
Good comment
Because the NRA isn’t directly responsible for the crimes committed like some of you so often suggest.
If you guys stop posting such stupid bullshit all the time maybe I’d be less of an asshole.
Ugh, yeah, you got me. I’m just really upset that I got so owned by your strong argument that because the student is black white people on the internet can not be a factor.
Me: this is how the world works, specifically. By the way... duh
It is pretty simple. The BLACK student scared the WHITE decision makers into firing the BLACK workers because they don’t want WHITE journalists and WHITE donation makers and WHITE shareholders to not give them GREEN money.
One day, you’ll understand that rich white decision makers don’t give a shit about black people. Honestly, I don’t know how you don’t understand that yet, but some people are... “learn differently”... is the politically correct way to say it.
Welcome to the real world, boss. The black student got the black workers fired because she made the college and company scared of white social justice rage.
Because the point of your article was that it was somehow the outrage of Caucasians that lead to the firing of two black employees. You. Were. Wrong.
Must be nice to live in a world without consequences. Do you think that because the student was black she can’t get into the first class citizenry? Cause she does go to NYU.
Yes, I did. So how does the complainant being black change the fact that she got two people fired for no reason other than misunderstanding their intent?
Do they still have their job?
Did it end up like this one, where lots of white folks are outraged on the internet and two black minimum wage food service workers lose their jobs?
So the whiny college student complains about bad judgement for college dining hall meal (confirming stereotypes in the process, but welcome to the wolrd of privilege, college student, where you can assume others harbor the same stereotypes that you do), university deflects to corporation, corporation deflects to…
Like, I can’t smoke pot. Why is it such a big deal to not be able to buy a gun from a stranger?
Short for fluoride
I definitely think YOU shouldn’t have a gun. So far both posts of yours have read like an insane person.
Right, but more people die of heart disease, and I don’t see anyone going after the corn syrup lobby.