
Wow, that website is great! thanks! I've heard that your hair is suppose to normalize but I've never known anyone to get to that point when they try the no-shampoo life choice. And my hair tends to be kinda on the oily side, so I don't think I could risk it. But I like the idea of more natural products, too, so I'll

Huh. That sounds interesting. How much do you mix in? I've seen a couple recipes for hair treatments with baking soda, olive oil, or other home products. Have you tried any of these? They sound intriguing.

That sounds actually pretty nice. I shall have to try it! I have a roommate who mixes it in with his toothpaste and brushes with it every once in a while. He says it makes his teeth post-dentist-visit clean. Who knew baking soda had so many uses?

I was thinking the same thing. Hardcore parkour!

Operation Pinterest facial treatments last night had mixed results.

Haha! I'll try to remember to, but I'm not expected super stealer results. I think we were mostly going to try the oddest, most outlandish ones we can find. I'll let you know though! :)

I wouldn't worry then. Missing/having a late pill can really throw things off. Give it a couple more days. You might not have much of a period at all, just some spotting. That what's happened when I've missed pills. Hope that helps!

My friend and I are going to try some of the crazy/weird facial treatments that keep popping up on Pinterest tonight and I am super excited! Nothing better than watching old scifi movies with egg/honey/yogurt/lemon smeared all over your face. And a nice glass of rum and coke, of course.

Did you miss any pills or take them later than normal? That can throw off my period sometimes. It can also give me weird morning sickness like feelings. Also, I had to switch pill brands from one I had taken for a couple years because I suddenly started spotting like crazy out of no where. Maybe give it a couple more

Ugh, I hear you. I found a conditioner that really helps is Aveda's Dry Remedy Moisturizing Treatment Masque. I put it on in the evening and let it sit on my hair for about an hour before I rinse it off. Seems to keep the split ends down and my hair feels mostly normal after I use it. Costs a little more (like $30)

It is! We have an older lab, too, so our house if full of senior animal citizens. I about breaks my heart, but I have enjoyed spoiling them more in their senior years. I like to think they are more comfortable sleeping on the bed than on the floor. :)

Thanks. We have an older dog, too (nearly 13) so our house is like a senior citizen home for animals. I pretty much grew up with these guys so it's especially hard. :( hugs and ear scratches are good, as our secret morsels of cheese and chips from the dinner table. Our dog loves chips! Her hearing is gone but her

If you can find any good salmon, smoked salmon is THE BEST. Red Salmon is preferable but Silver is great too. The belly meat.... oh it's like bacon from the sea. Congrats on the smoker! I'm super jealous at your ability to create your own smoked sausages.

My kitty was just diagnosed with arthritis in his lower spine. I'm so sad! I knew he was getting older (he's 12) but I always think of him as a young whipper snapper. The thought of my stoner cat getting old is very depressing. :( Hoping the new diet will drop some weight so he'll be more comfortable (he's a LITTLE

Thanks! Isn't cleaning the worst? Sorry for the late reply, but we haven't gotten the internet up yet at the house. We are mostly unpacked at this point but are lacking key furnishing items. The hunt for a kitchen table continues...

Just spent the whole day moving from on-campus housing into our new off-campus duplex. I think this is the most cleaning I've had to do in years. Dust! Everywhere dust! And we haven't even began to unpack yet! Moving is such a pain.

That's true, but it sounds like the centers are over loaded with the number of sea lion pups being brought in for malnourishment. It's really sad... but there is only so much they can do.

You are welcome! Sounds like you might have to bite the bullet and stick it out in this course. It's only 4 weeks though! You can do it! Good luck

It depends on how your school does courses, but at my University you can withdraw with very little penalty after a week. But since your class is short (4 weeks?) I would make sure to check if it will show up on your transcript as something you don't want. Maybe just finish it out so it looks good on paper? It might

I have actually traveled to those places as a broke student! Best place: Istanbul. Conversion rate on currency is totally in your favor. Food there is AWESOME. Definitely do the Hagia Sofia, Blue Mosque, and the Cisterns. We also did a cruise up the river and back down. Totally worth doing, just haggle the price like