I wish I had a 37 degree incubator so I could do all my microbiology testing. :D
I wish I had a 37 degree incubator so I could do all my microbiology testing. :D
Remember to make the windscreen bullet-proof.
This story comes, as do most of my better ones, from my time working at Space Camp. I was working an adult weeklong camp during the off season and it came to the time of week when the campers participated in their extended mission which was eight hours long. I was working the SpaceHab area which is the self contained…
And now, a friend told authorities Lee moved to Alaska last week.
[screams forever]
I will be at your house this evening. We can discuss it after you give me a mustache ride.
You folks want games to be treated as art rather than given a Roger-Ebert-esque dismissal? Wish fucking granted.
Part of interrogating creative works is seeing how that work is both a product of and influencer of society at large. This means that, in a society that promises equality and brands itself as a "melting…
I'm old, and therefore my opinion is that everyone is a work in progress.
This is really unethical of me and I still feel bad about it. That said…it is my only revenge story, and it is epic.
Bro, I can see that you Pubmed (or at least whoever it is you got the copypasta from can Pubmed). Do understand that not all papers have the same level of scientific rigor.
And how many of these papers have you read? Most people would expect an annotated bibliography at the minimum when you are presenting a lit search. Half of these papers are not even relevant.
One of my bucket list items is "play D&D with Vin Diesel."