
I agree. The pieces are pretty cool. They are merely pinned onto the platform though. The car reluctantly admits... “I’m built for crash-test”.

I’d say it’s not even nearly there. It’s moving backwards from the original design in all the wrong ways.

No, because he’d then have to admit the accusations are true.

And that’s what gets me: does anyone not think that Donald Trump has definitely been part of a pregnancy that ended in abortion?

Hot take is that Trump’s team wouldn’t want to pursue it, because it would be a not-so-tacit admission that it’s all true. Insofar as they’ve commented on it, Trump’s people seem to be denying these allegations.

It would depend on the terms of the NDA. Most likely, there’s a much larger penalty than $130,000. If some generous soul were willing to cover the penalty, than she could reveal all the details without any real consequences. Note: I am not a lawyer, so I have no idea if any of what I wrote is true.

Larry Flynt should just offer to reimburse her whatever she was paid if she agrees to violate the NDA. He offered $10 million for info that would lead to impeachment, what’s a few hundred thousand to embarrass/engrage Trump?

So if she’s bound by a confidentiality agreement, is she obligated to deny the In Touch interview, or can she just decline to affirm its truth? In other words, can she subtly indicate that the interview was true without putting herself in legal peril?

“I have the best penis!”

Correction: Trump’s lawyer provided a letter signed under her stage name.

“Phony whore Stormy Daniels just stated that my ‘penis looks like a baby snake that died shedding its skin.’ Will someone from Kimmel’s fake and sad hit-job show please inform her that it was cold that night, but my penis is much bigger and more powerful, and it works!”

“You think his hands are small...”

I’m looking forward to how he’ll defend the size of his penis. Precedential!

Hopefully Stormy will make some unflattering innuendos about Trump’s sexual prowess and genitalia. The 2am Twitter outburst should be fun to witness. It might even, hopefully, finally send the fat bloated turd one step closer to a coronary.

I feel like there is a lot of untapped comedic potential in Trump’s pathological, moronic fear of sharks, but I am just too exhausted to find it

I had a realization. There is no way Trump is classy enough to have asked for that Van Gogh. Melania wanted something pretty to look at while the blob is grinding away after one hand-swatting too many.

My microwave is watching me.

You don’t remember anyone protesting the last President? Really? Have you had a stroke recently?

Nice Zero’th law reference.

To me that was rude and inexcusable I know many people out there do not like our president but there’s such a thing as having decorum which I guess is down the tubes if I had been there you would have been reported to a nearby cast member and I’d hope that you would have been removed from the attraction why don’t