
I prefer the original

Yes, we certainly would not want to encourage kids to think.

How many times now has Hannity got ahead of a story or just plain got himself on the wrong side? And yet like Trump and his lies the base stays loyal. Frightening.

Talk to us in a month. Let’s see how good your crystal ball works.

Read up on London, Zurich, Brussels, ....

A lot of people are drinking more since Trump got in.

She should look up Simpson’s paradox.

Rejoice, we are half way there.

Now that would be cool.

A street race in New York would be phenomenal. Schedule it in with Montreal and Texas.

Eccelstone did a great job building F1 but he had become out of touch with the fans and was a drag. The social media additions are great. Just attended the race in Barcelona and I hope they soon put in WiFi coverage at the tracks so fans can stay informed about what is happening around the track and with strategies. So

Liberty better get better producers and announcers if that is what they intend to do.

It was a very good interview by Tapper. He was measured, thoughtful and stuck to the key points and facts. Conway is a very talented person. I cannot help but wonder how much longer she can stand banging her head on the wall trying to defend the indefensible.

Is that really the extent of what you have to offer?