
I’m a west coast guy so I remember the first time I had Yuengling. It was at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in New York. They had a selection that was Bud, Coors Light, and Yuengling, so I asked for a “Young-ling”, had my pronunciation corrected, and then enjoyed an acceptable lager.

This is huge, but very much preferable to an inbev acquisition.

Of course not. Food that is smuggled out shouldn’t be used as a basis for a review of the restaurant in the first place. It’s wildly unprofessional and inaccurate. The fact that she wrote glowingly about cold, napkin food calls into question her palate; her choice to publish the review calls into question her ethics

You think the food improved after being smuggled out in, and being eaten off of, a napkin?

The publication could have had someone else eat at and review the restaurant if it wanted to properly review it. Or, she could have put on a disguise and sneaked in. Eating morsels of food smuggled out in napkins is incredibly unprofessional. How could I trust her opinions (admittedly, mostly good about the food) when

I think that Raskin’s action in the face of the prohibition was misguided. The restaurant did not deserve to be reviewed. She would have served her readers better by making the prohibition known and letting diners know that they had to go it alone when dining at Malagon. Restaurants and reviewers have a symbiotic

Also despise “house-made”. Clearly meant to denote an artisanal, ‘made in-house’ not pre-packaged quality—and “homemade” is probably too folky—but it sounds wanky (no pun intended).

I feel that way about “small batch”.  The phrase has no meaning.  They use it because they want you to think of something being made in a home kitchen instead of a smaller-than-the-competition’s factory.

You should learn how to read. Go through the original article. A medical professional is definitely smarter than you, and they know what they’re talking about.

The comments in this article did not disappoint. Once I saw the headline I expected to see pot heads to come out of the woodwork to defend their precious. I would say this article is also a good example of how people rarely read the original article before commenting.

In fairness, a Manhattan would be a an acceptable number one cocktail that starts with “M” 

At the very least can we all agree that people who call margaritas “margs” deserve to be shot out of a large cannon?

Chicago native (now living elsewhere) and my go-to cocktail is a Manhattan, the Old Fashioneds’ cousin so... checks out.

Thats the wrong call. Whiskey that needs “help” won’t make a good old fashioned.

The worst are those weird peanutbutter candies in the orange or brown paper wrappings.

I hate seafood but I love their biscuits, so I just eat a lot of their biscuits and then leave.

Most people don’t.

HEY. Krispy Kremes fresh from the conveyor belt are the best thing in the world.

Reading through the review, I was like, “why is this guy worried about losing his Chinese card?” Then I realized you described a B+ as “pretty decent.”

But let’s not forget the man who gave his life in opposition of that.