
That’s how I feel about Yuengling. I had zero interest in it until I started bowling regularly and realized it was the only brew any of the alleys sold that wasn’t Miller/Coors/Bud Lite.

We might be beer twins. 1554 was one of the first craft beers I fell in love with, and it’s still a favorite. I also often find myself decrying the lack of understanding in America towards excellent Belgian ales. And finally, I love a good pilsner. Great list!

Sorry she doesn’t fit the stereotype in your head of the poor rustic rancher. Cattle ranching is big business and you can be “down home,” “countrified,” and still super wealthy. And I’ve never seen anything on her show that would make me think she’s hiding her wealth. Her family is obviously very successful and just

If you’re going to be petty, go all out. Don’t hide it behind a “positive” review.

Oh come now. The review is not in any way “glowing.” It’s 90% side-eye about being prevented from visiting the restaurant disguised behind an ever so slight amount of praise for what food she was able to get her hands on. It’s a civilized airing of grievances at best, and certainly not in any way useful information

Well hot damn. I live in Knoxville but was totally unaware of this lady. I guess I now know where I'll be going next time the McDonald's craving hits. 

Small batch is especially bad because it appeals to some sort of sense of exclusivity, which is grade A wankery. Eat food because you like it, not because it's inaccessible. 

A least “house-made” conveys some sense that the product is going to be fresh, albeit in an annoyingly pretentious way. Then again, there’s no telling WHEN it was house-made.

I am so forking tired of everything being "crafted." That doesn't mean anything! It's useless information used to make your food sound fancier than it is. "Hand-crafted" is even worse. Oh, so this hamburger wasn't assembled by a manufacturing robot? Swell!

That's fine and all, but a Manhattan is even better. 

Also, there’s nothing wrong with “basic.” Basic styles are incredibly hard to make well because there aren't strong flavors to hide your mistakes behind. Go explore the world of German beer and try to look down on basic. Basic is awesome and delicious.

Ugh. If you want to have a wider palate and get into IPAs, fine. But don’t let pretentious dickery shame you into a beer style you don’t like. The truth is, there’s way more to beer than just hops. Any person who looks down on somebody for not liking super-hoppy brews is both a) a pretentious ass, and b) woefully

Not much more. Fruit juice is water, sugar, and maybe some vitamins. The carbohydrate load you're getting isn't worth the negligible benefit of the vitamins you could be easily getting from other sources.

Milk has some sugar, yes. But 10 oz of apple juice has around 32g of sugar. The same amount of milk is 10g. If I had to choose between the two, it would always be milk.

From the referenced article: “Restaurants will be limited to offering children’s meals with flat, sparkling or flavored water with no added sweeteners; milk or non-dairy alternatives; or 100% fruit juice.”

It’s worth mentioning that technically Anchor is no longer a craft brewer now that they’re owned by Sapporo. Whether that matters to anybody is, of course, purely subjective.

That is legitimately the most depressing thing I’ve seen all day. The paper towel placemat really seals the deal. The worst part is that she somehow thought that picture was Instagram-worthy. God help us.

That's between me, God, and my dentist.

Interesting fact: What I put on my hot dog is none of your fecking business. 

Marketing failure, my ass. They were massively successful at the number one goal of advertising: making people aware of their new product. Heck, your own website devoted an entire article to taste-testing their new burgers. Would you have done that without the viral marketing campaign that preceded it? I doubt it.