He needs to lose his damn dick in a meat grinder.
He needs to lose his damn dick in a meat grinder.
I mean, can you really expect a paragon of human beauty like that to sympathize with us normies?
Because she was really pregnant. She gave birth last year. Hard to shoot around that so just embrace it.
Not to mention that while I didn’t see the whole briefing, I did see her claiming that “every single nominee for SCOTUS is entitled to a hearing and a vote” as if Merrick goddamn Garland didn’t even fucking exist, and not a single reporter I heard asked her about it. And you’re right, every time she bullshits them…
“We are a country that still believes you are innocent until proven guilty,”
You’re forgetting that they’ve packed the WH press corps with sycophants from Fox, Breitbart, OAN, etc. She usually pivots to one of them any time she gets pressed too hard.
She’ll always be Strabist Goebbels to me.
Aunt Lydia’s learned pretty well from Putin
What with the whole pregnancy plotline, it’s felt like she had a foot out the door for a while anyway. I wish they could have brought her back and fleshed out her character more, but I can’t say that this surprises me.
Y’all are on some weird shit in this comment section today. If a man responds to his emotionally abusive wife with physical abuse, y’all would not be with this whole “abuse is never okay, but it seems like they were both being dysfunctional” bullshit.
I’m going to say it, Gina was my least liked part of the show. Her plotlines went nowhere and they always focused on the worst part of her which was her laying about doing fuck all at the office.
I wanna button or marquee that says “Dismiss, don’t assist”
There is no dissonance for them in this case since, as lesbians, they are both demons.
Whoof. Hey everyone, just a heads up, there are some really awful takes in the greys on this post already, and likely to see a lot more flood in. Remember, don’t engage if you don’t want to promote their bullshit and use the dismiss button if people start trolling your posts.
Yeah, for me, the worst part about Kirchgessner’s response was this:
So... I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that Morgan might also have been abusive to some degree (at least emotionally), but she’s not the one running for office. There’s never a good reason, aside from self defense, to physically attack someone, and Kirchgessner wasn’t defending herself. Having an abusive…
Neither. They’re clearly both hysterical.