
I can’t tell if it’s a good thing or bad thing that my husband and I are trying for a baby. On the one hand, I’ve mostly stopped drinking alcohol, so I’m sure my body appreciates that. On the other hand, I’ve mostly stopped drinking alcohol and the state of the world makes me want to get by with a little help from my

Jane Eyre?

I don’t see it that way. I see it as nobody is listening or addressing it UNTIL the ex is in a position of power or the spotlight. How many domestic abuse cases have never been followed up on? How many people are killed annually because, despite filing domestic abuse charges, their partner/ex came back due to inaction

I agree. I loved her in the earlier seasons, but felt like she was kind of tiring of her character (or maybe the writers were?). I don’t know. Her character had so much potential to be fleshed out! Especially after she had the baby! Sigh. I guess that’s why reruns exist. 

Did you notice that Pg. 14's title was “A FFFFestive Occasion”? Now, I know there’s a reference to the FFFFFourth of July that is supposed to be sexual, but what does FFFFestive mean in regards to football?

Can someone slip something into Cruz’s coffee? I cannot WAIT to vote for Beto. October 22 can’t come soon enough!

Took everything I have to not cry at my desk after reading that. Thank you for sharing. It’s heartbreaking and so, so, so true. I haven’t told my mom the full scope of what happened to me - just tiptoed near the fact that I’ve been assaulted in the past. She got on her high horse and said that back in her day, things

I’m a woman and I was in a bar fight (I think?) in college. This guy who nearly raped me the week prior came into our college bar where I was hanging out with friends. I was near the front door and saw him walk through the door, so I stood up, walked towards him, and punched him in the face. I dragged him outside and

TATBILB was fabulous. I adored it. I think I expected more of SBIAL and it didn’t measure up. It was fine, but more of a movie that you watch while cleaning or doing laundry rather than sitting down with a big bowl of popcorn and falling in love with the characters.

How did the cat take it?

I was in love with her pink velvet dress as a 10 year-old when the movie came out. I also love the hug at the end of the trailer where they’re standing 2 feet away from each other. Oh, late 90s Disney Channel.

Ear plugs work too.

Yep! I work for a nonprofit in Texas that has a major GOTV campaign going on, so we’ve been reminding people of voter reg deadlines, requirements, and Early Voting dates, plus the photo ID regulation nonsense. My husband also volunteers for the Democratic Party in our county, so he’s block-walking and getting out the

Interesting. I will say, I prefer steaks over guns and trucks. My husband has a couple of guns (one rifle and one handgun, but both were gifts from his parents). We don’t have kids, so they’re just under our bed in their cases and he hasn’t shot either of them in over a year.

Omaha is a liberal city in a state full of cornfields. If this is based on population, I’m not that surprised.

I love the Republicans that keep posting Beto’s mugshot with the caption “is this who you want as your senator?!1/?!” They just make it SO EASY for me to post the Texas Attorney General’s (Ken Paxton) mugshot from 2015 for FRAUD and a screenshot of George W. Bush talking about his arrest a few decades ago. I think

YAY! I live in a relatively conservative suburb and Beto signs are popping up everywhere. Granted, there are a few Cruz signs out there as well, but my neighborhood is primarily older and retired. I think our Beto to Cruz ratio is 4 to 3 at this time. I like to think we started the trend b/c we were the first to add a

What about the Facebook comments with them posting his mugshot? What’s the saying? Don’t throw stones in glass houses?

YES! Thank you! I live in Texas and any possible way we can get the word out about him, the better! As someone said in an earlier post, now we need to get people registered to vote.

YESSSSS! I live in Texas and every time I see a yard sign while driving, my husband and I yell, “BETO!” It’s extremely invigorating and makes us hopeful for the future.