
I agree with you. I’m having such a hard time determining how I feel about this article/accusation against Aziz. On the one hand, I absolutely believe that he did continually try to have sex with her. I believe that her (albeit awkward) accounts of hooking up happened and it made her uncomfortable.

Sweet. I <3 science. Thank you for explaining! When we get to the point that we start tracking ovulation cycles in order to actively try to get pregnant, I’ll probably chart my basal body temp and cervical fluid as well. I use an app to track symptoms, discharge, moods, etc. right now so I have a baseline. It’s not

Thank you for explaining! There is so much misinformation out there that I just decided to be safe and always use contraception. Good to know, though!

Thanks. :) I’m embarrassed that I have to still ask something like that as a 29 year old woman who’s been sexually active for over 9 years, but alas. At least I’m on birth control and actively engaged in family planning that is more than just the rhythm method.

This is going to oust me as an American with very little sex ed (thanks, Texas), but can’t you theoretically get pregnant at any time during your cycle? I remember hearing that you shouldn’t have unprotected sex - even on your period - because you could very well get pregnant.

Or Black Mirror.

Kudos on brushing your teeth! And I hope you feel better soon! My husband is a teacher and I want to put him through a sanitation shower every day when he comes home during flu season. Alas. They don’t have that... yet.

Also, I hope you feel better soon! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Sleep and water are the best medicine, according to my doctor dad.

That’s always how I know I’m about to get sick and a fever. My skin literally hurts if there is a light breeze. I remember telling my parents that when I was a kid and they would look at me funny. I guess medical professionals call it “aches and pains”, but when you feel it in your skin AND your bones, it’s painful as

Ugh. I’m so sick of mother-fuckers who think that women are their property. I was managing a crowded event for work (membership-based organization) and had to squeeze past a handful of guys that were standing in the doorway. As I said excuse me and they moved out of the way, one of the guys fucking TICKLED me. He was

Thank you. If/when my husband and I have children, we will teach them to be an upstander, not a bystander. I was lucky enough to have brothers and boy cousins, so my sister and I learned at an early age how to protect ourselves and fight back. A well-placed throat punch or knee to the groin works well. If you’re in a

So does a well-placed “Go fuck yourself.” :)

THANK YOU for articulating my rage at that fucking troll.

Thank you for asking. I agree with Lush’s suggestions. If anything, try to put some distance between her and the guy harassing her. Don’t get unnecessarily close to the woman, but get close enough to the guy that he can’t reach out and grab her without retribution from you.

That’s horrendous. Thank you so much for taking that risk, though. I wish there were more people like you in public areas.

I’ve had to explain to my husband examples of both cat-calling and just inappropriate, comments that can be considered sexual harassment. Granted, our conversation came from his concern that he may have perpetuated that behavior when he was younger and unaware. He shared stories of instances where he’s no longer sure

It’s so hard to know what is the right thing to do in the situation. Back when I worked at a refugee agency, I had a family case that still haunts me. Grandparents moved to the U.S. with their handful of children, including an adult daughter with 2 kids under the age of 5. They all lived in one apartment until the

Holy fuck. You get automatic passage to whatever good place exists after death.

A 2 year old that is only 10 lbs? I know of babies that weighed more when they were born. One of my cats is about 15 lbs. That’s horrific.

Bahahahaha. That’s a wonderful explanation as to who “really” killed Jesus. People are dumb as shit. Hopefully he remains the dumbest person to ever be inside you. I’m sure you deserve people that are not as ignorant as that fool.