
Hey, fellow Texan! Nice work.

<3 this gif. Thank you for sharing!

That X-Files episode fucked me up. I watched it late at night with the then-bf/now-husband when we were cat-sitting his sister’s cat and the mother-fucker wouldn’t stop meowing. That episode was TERRIFYING and I will never watch it again.

Yeah... I always felt like he was a little too realistic as a sleazy character. He is also just weird in public and in interviews. I’m not surprised that he’s not being accused of sexual harassment and taking advantage of his celebrity.

Yeah, I watched the first episode and half of the second, followed by a quick “nope.” I want to like it and I’ve even encouraged other people to watch it, but to just skip the first episode. It’s too much for me.

I love the pantsuits and dress/pants combos tonight! And, let’s be honest, almost all women (who wear dresses) appreciate a good dress with pockets. Can we now convince every designer and clothing line to add REAL pockets to dresses, skirts, and (shocker!) pants?

AMEN (to the sweet potato fries are a gift from God). I <3 sweet potatoes with all my heart and can’t wait to make dinner tonight, which is... wait for it... Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potato. We’ll see how it tastes, but it combines a lot of my favorite flavors, so... fingers crossed.

The only thing I could give up is white rice - but only if I can replace it with brown rice. Oh, and eggplants. Otherwise, GOOP - YOU ARE CRAZY (FAUX-LEATHER) PANTS.

That looks delicious! I love sweet potatoes. Sweet potato fries are vastly superior to normal fries (with the exception of curly fries). Tonight’s dinner is going to be a Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potato. Sadly (for him), my husband hates sweet potatoes, so he’s getting the same thing, but in a russet potato.

I have to admit, I really liked the monster of the week episodes. The long-form storytelling with the Cigarette Man and Scully’s random abduction/pregnancy/cancer storylines just got to be too much. Granted, I missed a few key episodes b/c I was watching them with my boyfriend (now-husband) and he had already seen all

Does that mean this movie will have a weird animatronic baby, too?

Ugh I forgot about that and your comment made me gag.

Exact copy of what I just responded to OMG! PONIES! above:

I’m glad she brought that up that Goya painting. I took an Art History class in high school and randomly flipped to the page with that painting in my book. I actually shrieked (I was 16 and innocent-ish) and shut the book. Fuck Goya (the artist). That shit was made to shock.

Reminds me of that scene in Bridesmaids where the cousin is talking about how she’s home with 3 boys all day, there’s semen everywhere, and the other day she broke a blanket in half (that could be 2 scenes melded together in my mind).

I’ve been on a few cruises with my family and they’re really fun when you’re a kid or in your early 20s and single. Bars everywhere. We went over the holidays and there were a bunch of other families there with kids in the same age range. You’re together for 5-10 days, so if you’re amiable enough to make friends, you

I didn’t get disowned and it shut her up, but I think she’s still bitter about it. Whatever. They live 8 hours away.

Agreed. I think we’re all anxiously waiting for her to share the father’s identity and she knows it. Maybe she’ll reveal it in a future book.

That’s horrible! Your poor girlfriend. My sister-in-law is getting to that stage with her mom (already a people-pleaser), despite the fact that my MIL was at home with 2 kids by the time she was 31 and never bothered going back to work, even after the kids went to college and moved away. I don’t judge stay-at-home

My MIL is like that with both of her children AND me. I married into the family, yet she still tries to parent us and provide unsolicited “suggestions.” She one time pulled the “I’m the mother, so I decide when we’re done” line at a bar after Thanksgiving. I tipsily responded that she’s not my mother and we’re all