
Looks like she left the father’s name off the birth certificate. I guess we’ll never know...

Can I come?

I have this inordinate desire for the baby’s father to be Cory Booker. They would make such a gorgeous baby together. Granted, Mindy Kaling’s baby will be beautiful no matter what, but her genes PLUS Cory Booker’s genes? Sigh.

I think I was reading Texts from Last Night like any self-hating 19 year-old who liked to get drunk and make out with randos. Now I just sit at a desk all day and read Jezebel when not politely communicating with elected officials I hate. Sigh.

And let’s bring back Behind Closed Ovens! I lived for those stories every Monday. I know it was shut down around the same time as the Gawker brouhaha, but bring it back!

People lie.

I really hope it’s Cory Booker, too, but wouldn’t be opposed to an anonymous sperm donor. If it is, I really hope she is open about that in order to normalize the stigma of single women going to sperm banks to have babies.

The C spelling truly is superior - and I’m not at ALL biased. Nope. Not a bit. Why do you think they call her Catherine the Great?

That’s just b/c we’ve never met in real life.

Agreed. This story also reminded me a LOT of a guy I briefly “talked to” when I was 22 and he was 30ish. We met through mutual friends and - thank goodness - I lived in a city about 4.5 hours away. I visited his city a lot since my brother and one of my best friends lived there, but was far enough away that when we

I love Pete Souza’s photos. They make me so happy. The background stories from behind the scenes are an interesting insight and I LOVE the regular swipes he takes at the Trumps by selectively choosing which pics to post in response to tweets/interviews/policy decisions.

I know these kids have parents and families and all, but I want to adopt that kid. He’s so adorable! Maybe I can find him whenever my future children are born and have him teach them to live life with such glee and happiness.

I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying.

I was raised Catholic and I vote Democrat! I’ll join you in the back room for crying babies with the other 2 Catholic Democrats.

My dad is like that, but with guns. Guns are his one big issue. He tries to claim it’s taxes, but he can’t part with his guns and ammos in case he’s suddenly plopped in the middle of a dystopian novel.

Good for you for calling the dude out on his groping and not letting it continue. And good for the other dude for not being sleazy by not only backing you up, but also making sure the groper didn’t come after you later.


Right? I don’t know how Poppy didn’t make a face. That woman must kick ass in poker.

You really should start punching people in the face when they become disrespectful. It is the most cathartic response ever.

At least they didn’t tell him there was no room. That would be much too ironic.