
Blonde leg hair. You might think it wouldn't show up - which it doesn't, when you're trying to shave. But step outside and suddenly I look like Edward fucking Cullen.

I would love to have strippers at my funeral (or any funeral, really).

I have a dirty confession...I think these dresses are cute as shit. They remind me of the shifts Mia Farrow wore in Rosemary's Baby.

But alas, I am poor, fat, white trash. Maybe if I throw a NASCAR jacket over one of them?

OK. As crazy as this note is, and the specific directives of it are borderline insane, I kind of understand it to a degree.

As the proud parent of the first, second and third grandchild on both sides, living in an 800 sq. ft house with my husband and I too, I can say that I get it too. There’s not a very nice way to say for the 10th time, “I appreciate that you love the kids too, but 4 hours opening the gifts just from you on Christmas,

I give my side of the family a link to an Amazon wishlist of a dozen or so things every time my kid’s birthday or Chanukah rolls around. They live far away and like to send lots of presents and are the rare thoughtful family members that make a point of getting things the kid actually wants/are age appropriate, and

I buy this, and I think I can see the roots of it here:

I really wish they would go through all of the comments and pull the best stories instead of just picking the most commented on ones. The obvious fakes tend to be the most discussed because everyone jumps in to call it out. Even if you're just going to pick the most popular ones, maybe, just maybe, the editor should

cereal is way, way better when the milk is almond milk

His name was Javier and I met him when I worked at the bookstore in college. He was super hot, but that's because all he cared about in the world was his body. Good for him! Good for him. But between working out and moisturizing and hair care and trimming and and and, there was...not much left. But super hot and

It's fine, you just want to make quips about "dad dick" and be all grossed out... if you read the linked article (not the interview with the sad girl, the linked Guardian article about GSA) you'd recognize that it's not about the dick of it all, it's about intimacy, and the shortage of socially acceptable ways for

Isolation is a killer and takes a group effort.

Whiny? Childish tone? I'm literally suggesting that you shouldn't insult people when they are admittedly, in the same article, harmed by the responses people have to their taboo situation.

Describing their relationship as "terrible" is of the same philosophy as this article. Let's all try not to say things that will insult the young woman who may, in fact, be very troubled. By shitting all over this relationship, we're harming her more than we're harming him.

What does saying that what they feel is "FUCKING GROSS" going to do to a "child" in this situation? They are going to direct two middle fingers in your direction and not give a flying fart if they are, in fact, being victimized.

Writing articles about relationships that will "haunt you forever" and saying of a person's revelations "And then there are the things that make you shudder," you're not exactly encouraging people who are attracted to family members to talk about their feelings.

She also kept a fake journal of her husband's abuses, smacked herself in the face with a hammer, and stole a pregnant woman's urine. I think it's safe to say the entire movie plays it fast and loose in the believability department.

I AM A CHEESECAKE EXPERT. I have been certified by the Board of Cheesecake Authority in 49 states and I am also licensed by the International Cheesecake Association which is based in France. During my esteemed career, I have overseen at least three-dozen cheesecake-related disputes (including the infamous "That Time

I don't think either are terrible people. I think they're both normal people in an extreme situation: The situation of being exactly what they are supposed, as women and men, to be in our society. And their story is an exaggeration of the way that any sane person would react if they woke up and found themselves in

You're not alone. I both love and identify with Amy. I also love and identify with Nick. But Amy more than Nick obviously, just because of the gender thing.