
No one likes you. Leave 

It’s a vicious cycle. AV Club is getting fewer readers, so they push their writers to right more extreme and outlandish and sensationalist stories like this. These sensational stories automatically get the most attention, so the double down and write more. It’s why this website has gone to complete and utter shit

If they had any ethics, they would.  But this is AVClub, so dont get your hopes up.

John Boyega would be the actual SW alum that RJ owes a starring heroic role too. 

Its quite simple really. Emo can’t be and ska doesn’t need to be rehabilitated.

Yeah that line was so good. I’d had a guess he was a bad guy but that confirmed it with such power lol. Genocides an entire planet for invading his turf. Wow.

Yeah. I’m always very wary of any claims about a TV show or a movie moving anyone’s political or ideological beliefs. Especially when the people who make that claim are (knowingly or not) saying “oh but not me I’m far too savvy for that”

Spot on. SP didn’t make anyone believe climate change wasn’t real and it didn’t make anyone think republicans and democrats were the same. People didn't base their politics or ideology on a single cartoon and barely anyone bases it on pop culture fiction alone at all.It made jokes with and about those attitudes and

Its the libertarian transhumanism bits they love about The Culture novels.

Ha!  No, I’m being entirely genuine.  It’s a good point that I think has as much merit as mine.

Ford is too old. I hate to say it but it's true. He was too old on Crystal Skull too, he runs like my grandad now. Just recast (largely impossible I'd say no one can replace Ford with a possible Chris Pine being the exception. Or simply cast John Cho as a grown up Short-Round stealing artifacts from shadowy rich

That’s a good counterargument.

Obviously not because as I said before your goal is to whattaboutery any one else I mention. All that does is reveal your total lack conviction about your choice. I get it sucks for your purposes but that’s the situation you made for yourself.

Obviously not because as I said before your goal is to whattaboutery any one else I mention. All that does is reveal your total lack conviction about your choice. I get it sucks for your purposes but that's the situation you made for yourself.

Oh dude no need to shout that was established a few posts back. You need to be able to criticize other people’s choices so you can throw out a whattaboutery in order to deflect from the fact you voted for a mass murdering rapist. The funny thing is that you won’t even do a “lesser of two evils” bit cus you’re not able

See you demonstrated previously you aren’t doing anything in good faith by lying about being dumb. There's no reason to engage properly until you genuinely retract that and the other accusations you made about trolling.

Weird to lie and say you’re really stupid. You clearly made a rational calculation about who was best to vote for and then decided to really commit to that choice no matter what. Unless you just voted for the feels and justified it later with lesser of two evils stuff.

So you didnt understand my second sentence then for real. Wow. Ok.

“but it's ok when we do it" isn't the excuse you think it is. 

hey cruel and unusual punishments are frowned upon.