
Seems a bit silly to compare a 19 year old singing about how a venture they once enjoyed is lucrative but not fun and a 25 year old saying their teenage bullshit was bullshit but lucrative.

but she not responsible for driving anyone to suicide.”

The single sentence quote from Eric Ripert confirms what I’ve always thought. He’s absolutely shattered by the experience. That has to be the single most cruel act that the Universe ever pulled on someone. Eric is the kindest and gentlest soul in the world and he had to find his best friend like that at the end. 

so woody allen is a demon and asia argento is a “complicated person”, that is disgusting

Really interesting lately seeing which people the AV Club condemns and which people it reserves the passive voice for.

yeah, she’s no “easy scapegoat”, she’s the prime suspect (if you imagine a world where the police investigated what drove people to suicide - I know the actual killer here is the guy in those photos)

The odd defense of Asia Argento in this article as a “complicated person” results in an indulgence of something, that’s for sure. Wtf. 

*Boys and men are overwhelmingly socialized to only experience emotions like anger, pride, frustration, etc. They are implicitly or explicitly taught that their same sex friendships are largely superficial”

Yes she's a work of art.

Well there’s a set of people who think there is a subtext that says that. And there’s nothing wrong with that but the idea of an objective subtext when the “author is dead” is never gonna fly.

Can’t do death of the author if you can’t separate them from the work. 

Oh cool you finally killed the author (again even though the author was still dead). Now we can finally (again) separate the art from the artist.

Spot on. Two male characters who have a close personal relationship are very often shipped by fans and on the other side many non fans will call the realtionship "gay" as an insult. Mackie makes a great point in a somewhat sloppy way here.

“Marc Cherry" is quicker.

Lmao. Well played.

Its reactionary borderline racist trash and Bourdain has better taste than that.

And the horrible irony is that Asia Argento turned out to be an abusive monster and that being a major cause of his suicide.

Interesting. Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound too bad now.

84 now because it's not that she's a woman it's because she's dumb that she's being compared to an animal.

Ive never read the comic but isn't Y The Last man going to be wildly problematic if all the transwomen with a Y chromosome are killed/disappeared?